Friday’s Fave Five

Friday's Fave Five

Ready or not, Christmas is coming! I hope your preparations are going well and you have some quiet time to just enjoy the season and reflect on its meaning.

This has been a full week, and I’m grateful Susanne at Living to Tell the Story hosts this weekly pause to recount blessings that otherwise will be all too soon forgotten, perhaps even unnoticed. Here are a few of mine:

1. Jeremy is home! My oldest son flew in this week and we’re looking forward to family time all together.

1. Our 44th anniversary. Our anniversary fell on Jeremy’s first evening home, so we celebrated a couple of nights early by going out to a nice restaurant. Then on the day, Jim surprised me with flowers and we exchanged cards. I’m thankful for our years together and would not have wanted to go on the journey with anyone else.


3. Catching up. Last week I was behind schedule. I prayed over making the family Christmas cards, and it’s amazing how well and quickly they all came together. God gave strength and efficiency to get done the main things that needed doing.

4. Sunday school lesson. One of our ladies’ Sunday School teachers was out of town and the other was sick. The latter called me to ask if I might be willing to share a devotional that Sunday, and another lady would lead in an extended prayer time for concerns over Christmas break (traveling, tense family situations, etc.). I had not done anything like that in at least thirteen years. I asked if I could let her know the following day in order to pray and let nerves settle down. That night, I saw this among my Twitter/X feed:

I don’t know if I would say it was a sign, but it helped. 🙂 I said yes and looked at some of my past Christmas posts: due to short notice and the extreme busyness of the week, I felt I’d have to use something I had already studied out. Everything came together, none of my physical issues caused problems, and there were some good comments during the discussion. I don’t think I’d want to make a habit of this. 🙂 But I was abundantly grateful for God’s help.

5. Family Christmas night at church. One of this church’s traditions is a “Family Christmas Night” in December. Anyone can sing, recite a poem, do some kind of skit or drama, etc., alone or with others. Some of the selections were serious, some funny. Timothy’s “Eagle Club” recited verses they’ve been learning–his first time doing anything onstage, and he did great. Then they had finger food refreshments afterward. It was a fun evening. Jim already has some ideas for next year. 🙂

Bonus: Turkey Bone Soup is something we usually have the week after Thanksgiving. There never seemed to be a good time, so we put the bones and turkey leftovers in the freezer. We ended up having it last night. One of our favorite things.

Another bonus: staying well. Colds, strep, RSV, and Covid are going around, and I was praying we’d stay well til Jeremy got here and through Christmas. Now I am praying the same for the rest of his visit.

I wish all of you who celebrate the day a very special and happy Christmas!

“But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.”(Galatians 4:4-5).

11 thoughts on “Friday’s Fave Five

  1. I thought about you this week with Jeremy coming home. Such a thrill to have the whole family together!
    Good for you, my friend, for teaching the devotion! I understand that kind of fear, but you have so much to share. I’m glad that God sent you that X/Twitter post. I know you did well!

    Your family Christmas night sounds lovely. What a wonderful tradition.

    I made turkey noodle soup after Thanksgiving with the bones. Always so good!

    Merry Christmas to you and all the family. After the New Year, it will be our turn to get together!

  2. Merry Christmas! I love that you make turkey bone soup. At Thanksgiving, my sister in law was getting ready to trash the turkey remains and I asked if she didn’t want to keep it for soup. “Ugh, that’s gross!” So I’m glad I’m not the only one who enjoys it 🙂 Happy Anniversary! How wonderful that all your boys are home. Have a lovely holiday.

  3. You did have a full week…but it definitely sounds like a full week of blessings! I’m so glad. I know how much it means to have Jeremy home…I miss my son being here this time of year. What a blessing 44 years together are! And I enjoyed the pictures. I love the quote, “It’s not about you, it’s about the message.” Have a lovely Christmas with your family, Barbara.

  4. Oh I’m glad you taught the devotional……..I call those God moments (the twitter thing..i’m not on that social media platform but i love that it prompted you to serve the Body of Christ)…a true blessing!

    I’m glad your son made it home and can spend time with you!

    Happy belated Anniversary. That chocolate dessert looks amazing.

    So, did Timothy enjoy being on the stage? our youngest (the one who’s studied classical ballet since age 3) has been on stage since age 4. It became so easy for her but from ages 4-7 she was SERIOUS. never a smile while performing. so focused…finally the ballet teacher had to tell her to SMILE and look like you’re having fun!! hahaah…..


  5. Firstly Happy Anniversary. That dessert looks very tempting. Secondly Happy Christmas. Hope you have a lovely time with family.

  6. Happy Anniversary!
    Good to hear that Jeremy has arrived safely and everyone is healthy. (my boy arrived last night from San Diego!)
    You are ahead of me on cards/letters. Some of mine will go out today.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  7. Having an anniversary at the holidays is brilliant timing 😉 You get your loved ones gathered (many congrats by the way!).

    I’m so please God gave you all the tools and encouragement to give the devotion. I remember being really nervous about a presentation to my executive team. But the Lord gave me this thought, “This is your topic.” I can talk about it, I can offer to look something up and circle back later if there’s a question I couldn’t address.

    That’s a great way to celebrate together and congrats to Timothy for a job well done.

    Happy Christmas Barbara and family!

  8. Pingback: December Reflections | Stray Thoughts

  9. How wonderful Jeremy made it home for Christmas! Happy Anniversary to you! 44 years is amazing!! I love turkey bone soup and will freeze them in two parts so we can enjoy it twice!

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