Friday’s Fave Five

This month is just speeding by. I’m pausing for a few moments with Susanne and friends at Living to Tell the Story to remember and be thankful for the good things of the week.

1. Spaghetti fundraiser. A group of families in our church is going on a mission trip this summer and hosted a spaghetti dinner fundraiser after church last Sunday. It was nice to have dinner taken care of and have some time to fellowship.

2. End-of-fourth-grade celebration. Jason and Mittu invited us over to celebrate the end of Timothy’s school year with homemade Chicago-style pizza, salad, garlic bread, and a chocolate pudding/cream cheese/whipped topping dessert..

3. Dinner offering. Jason and Mittu had to cancel plans with another family because Timothy got sick. But they already had a bunch of food in the crock pot. So Jason texted, “Don’t make dinner! We’ll bring some over at 6.” I was sorry Timothy wasn’t feeling well but happy to receive food.

4. A light cooking week. With the meals mentioned above, plus getting Subway one night and Chick-Fil-A another, I’ve had an unplanned mini-vacation from the kitchen this week.

5. Jim’s routine colonoscopy went well. No problems reported.

A short but sweet list. How was your week?

11 thoughts on “Friday’s Fave Five

  1. You certainly had a nice kitchen vacation! Congratulations to Timothy on completing Grade 4!

    It’s exciting for the group from your church to go on the mission field. Where are they going?

    Glad to hear that Jim’s procedure went well and all is good.

  2. So glad to hear that all went well with Jim’s colonoscopy. That’s always a relief.

    Sorry to hear of Timothy being ill…happy for the way you were gifted with food…not just then, but all through the week.

    Have a blessed and safe Memorial Day weekend, Barbara.

  3. Ahhh I’m feeling second-hand relief for Jim in having the colonoscopy done! That’s fun that Timothy is finishing 4th grade. I’m thinking of a 4th grade piano student I have; that’s such a nice age — old enough to have “real” conversations with, but not old enough to be jaded yet (not that I foresee any jading for Timothy anyway!). I agree May is flying. Have a nice holiday weekend!

  4. oh how fun to have all those special meals and dinners out. That’s a huge blessing, isn’t it??

    I’m hoping your grandson is feeling better now that the long weekend is here. His end of school year celebration sounds great! we LOVE chicago style pizza almost as much as NY style. Of course we’re a bit biased. 🙂

    YAy for good reports on routine matters.

    have a blessed weekend of relaxation and family time.

  5. I do not how if my comment is showing. It said i had to log in to your website and when I did it said that was the wrong password, even though it isn’t as i have auto save on my macbook. hm….

  6. I hope Timothy is feeling better now but you definitely had a good week with meals. Good that Jim’s test results were ok too. Hope you have a good weekend.

  7. It’s nice that you have had a bit of a break from cooking this week. Good to hear that your hubby had a good report after his colonoscopy. Always a relief! I hope that Timothy is feeling better. Have a good weekend!

  8. Congratulations to Timothy for another year of school accomplished. Wow, it is hard to believe he is so grown up. I remember when he was born.

    Having a kitchen break is nice, too. The fellowship with church friends sounds sweet .

    Have a good Memorial weekend. Willow

  9. I’m glad you are able to share meals so often with Jason and Mittu. Coming up with something to eat 3 times a day every day can sometimes be a burden to me. ha. (But eating 3 times a day is no burden at all! lol). Congrats to Timothy on completing another school year!

  10. Congrats to Timothy on completing grade 4! Sorry he was sick. Nice breaks from cooking for you this week. I’ve never had Chicago pizza.

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