Friday’s Fave Five

Friday's Fave Five

The first week of June has been busy, fast, and also good. I’m sharing favorites of the week with Susanne and friends at Living to Tell the Story.

1. A surprise chicken biscuit. Jim brought back biscuits from Chick-Fil-A after his time at the gym Friday morning. Those are always welcome, but that day I had some extra tasks to do in the morning. So it was especially nice to have breakfast already made.

2. Leftovers and family time. Jason and Mittu had several friends over on Friday night. They had a good bit of food left over and asked if we wanted to share it on Saturday. So we enjoyed a meal with them and some fellowship.

3. Lunch with Melanie. We tried something different from our usual meeting places and went to Lulu’s Tea Room. We both had Chicken Pecan Quiche, and we enjoyed catching up with each other even more.

4. A long overdue haircut. I go to a walk-in place and usually have to wait for my stylist to finish with one or two people in front of me. When I walked in on Thursday, she had no customers, so I got right in.

5. A surprise in the flower arrangement. I noticed there was some kind of viny thing hanging from my spring flower arrangement on the front porch. I tried to pull it out, but it was stuck. Then I noticed it was attached to a little nest on top which kind of smushed the flowers. It has four eggs in it. I had been meaning to change the spring arrangement out for a summer one–I guess I’ll have to wait a bit now. 🙂

flower arrangement
nest and eggs

Have a good weekend!

13 thoughts on “Friday’s Fave Five

  1. What a pretty place for a nest! It will be fun to watch as they hatch and then leave the next.

    Yes, lunch was very good yesterday! I did enjoy the quiche and with every thing else, it was a lot of food!

    I meant to tell you yesterday that your hair looked so pretty. Did you get it cut before our lunch?

  2. Thanks for the link to the tea room! I was first reading Melanie’s FFF and was wishing she had set a link to it.

    That flower arrangement is beautiful..those look like mourning dove eggs…at least they look like the ones that were in the nest in our cherry tree and sure enough…we now have 2 baby mourning doves in our front yard…they’ re so cute!

    I need to try one of those chicken biscuits!!

    That was nice of Mittu to have you over for leftovers.

    I hope you have a good weekend full of rest and relaxation and family fun

  3. Our next door neighbours have a little robin’s nest on the exhaust from their fireplace (thank goodness it’s not fireplace season). I saw mama robin feeding four hungry babies the other day.

  4. I think it is so cool that you and Melanie get together for lunch so often. What a fun little surprise in your flower arrangement. An unexpected chicken biscuit is always a nice surprise. I hope you have a great weekend! See you again soon.

  5. YUM chick-fil-A!!!! I too got an overdue haircut just yesterday. Ahh, the relief 🙂 I love your bird nest and also enjoyed the one at my mother-in-law’s. Unfortunately, she found one baby dead on the patio beneath the wreath earlier this week. Not so unusual I guess, but I hope all 4 of yours hatch and do well!

  6. That is a sweet surprise to find eggs in the nest in your arrangement. It will be fun to watch the chicks hatch and learn to fly.

    I think it is great that you have your lunch with Melanie. The friendship is precious.

    Ready made meals, like leftovers, are great. And a family dinner is the best.

    Have a good weekend! Willow

  7. Food and fellowship are always faves, aren’t they? So nice you and Melanie got to meet up.

    What a happy coincidence of your coming in and your stylist being free 🙂

    Eggs! I wonder if you’ll get to see the little fledglings.

  8. Pingback: Friday’s Fave Five | Stray Thoughts

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