Honoring Fathers

Honor your father and mother. Exodus 20:12

It’s not easy to be a father.

TV comedies portray most fathers as bumbling fools.

Society argues about what is masculine or feminine and whether masculinity is “toxic.”

Pressures arise from different fronts: how to provide for the family yet have time to spend with them; deal with disciplinary issues; keep up home and yard maintenance; answer questions, guide children, and point them to God.

No father is perfect, of course. Some fathers are very far from it. Only God is all a Father should be. But the best fathers seek His help to try to show in some measure what He is like. Some have fatherly hearts and mentor others when they have no children of their own.

We don’t thank fathers and father figures nearly enough. Today we honor fathers, though most of them would be embarrassed and not want a fuss made.

Our thanks, O God, for fathers who follow in Your way,
And who, with glad and trusting hearts, exalt You ev’ry day.

Our thanks, O God, for fathers who show, by word and deed,
Commitment to Your will and plan, and Your commandments heed.

Our thanks, O God, for fathers who meet You oft in prayer,
And who, for all life’s toil and care, find strength and wisdom there.

How blessed are the children who in their fathers see
The tender Father-love of God, and find their way to Thee.

Author unknown

(I often link up with some of these bloggers.)

5 thoughts on “Honoring Fathers

  1. I don’t like it either how fathers are portrayed in so many sit coms. I’m so thankful for God as my heavenly Father.

  2. Agree on the portrayal of men. Even social media at times gives them lots of negatives. I like the scripture you chose. Sad that the bad apples set the agenda for how people perceive. Most men are good fathers.

  3. Fathers specifically and men in general do seem to have fallen on hard times in the media and in our entertainment. As a mum to four sons, I do feel that in my bones, but am thankful that they all have solid relationships with their wives and kids, and with us, their very imperfect parents.

  4. I am most grateful for the dad I was blessed with. The poem you shared is beautiful! This >> “But the best fathers seek His help to try to show in some measure what He is like.”

  5. I guess it’s to be expected that after Jesus came to show us the Father the world would attack fathers. I’m thankful for my father and the father my husband is to our children.

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