June Reflections

June reflections

We’re still a few days from the end of June, but since I have other posts scheduled the next few days, this seems the best time to reflect on the month.

It’s been a busy one. Three doctors appointments (thankfully just the check in, touch base, see how things are going kind). Father’s Day. My turn to present for our writing critique group. A radio interview. A day’s outing to see family members from CA who were in Kingston, TN (more on that tomorrow). Facebook impersonation issues. Computer and Cricut (the machine I use to make cards) glitches to fix. And then the regular tasks of meal preparation, dishwashing, laundry, and such.

I was wishing before the radio interview that there was a way to turn off the nervousness leading up to it. But that’s probably what keeps me dependent on the Lord for help, so I guess it’s a good thing in the long run.


I usually share any particularly good programs or movies we’ve watched, but I didn’t make note of any this month. So I’ll ask you: do you have any good, *clean* movies or series to recommend? Jim like WWII movies, space movies, and some suspense. I like classics, historical, or “based on a true story” films. We’re not usually into romances, but occasionally will watch one.


I made three Father’s Day cards this month. One was for my step-father.

Father's Day card

Both the wording and the cut-out of “DAD” was done with the Cricut, then glued to a dark blue background which was then glued to the front of a card.

This was Jason’s:

Father's Day card

This one was a little tricky because the design was contributed by a user and didn’t quite include all the steps needed. Then my Cricut gave out and I had to do a few of the layers with an X-acto knife. But I like how it turned out.

This was Jim’s:

Father's Day camping card

I had a couple of ideas on the Cricut to use for his, but when the machine stopped working, I didn’t have time to figure all that out before Father’s Day. I was glad I had gotten these stickers beforehand.


Since last time I have finished (titles link to my reviews):

I’m currently reading:

  • Be Decisive (Jeremiah): Taking a Stand for the Truth by Warren W. Wiersbe
  • Read This First: A Simple Guide to Getting the Most from the Bible by Gary Millar
  • Write a Must-Read: Craft a Book That Changes Lives—Including Your Own by A. J. Harper
  • The Story of the Trapp Family Singers by Maria Augusta Trapp
  • When We Were Young and Brave by Hazel Gaynor
  • Dombey and Son by Charles Dickens (audiobook)


Besides the weekly Friday Fave Fives, Saturday Laudable Linkage, and book reviews, I’ve posted these since last time:

Interestingly, I think Old Age Syndromes to Avoid, which I posted near the end of May, received the highest number of views in one day of anything I’ve posted. It looks like many of us are concerned about how to age well.


I was able to get a lot done on the chapter I submitted for our writer’s critique group. There’s no motivation like a deadline. 🙂 I’m hoping to dig into it more in the days ahead.

In July we’re looking forward to Independence Day and Jason’s birthday. Otherwise, the calendar looks blessedly empty! I hope to catch up on some writing as well as some things around the house.

How was your June? What are you looking forward to in July?

(I often link up with some of these bloggers.)

2 thoughts on “June Reflections

  1. I have been pretty busy this month so I haven’t been able to get around and visit much. This post helped me to catch up with you! Love your cards! I am not that creative! LOL! My reading has been almost nonexistent. I do pick up my Bible reading but not much else. Hope you have a wonderful day!

  2. Hopefully July will be better – no Cricut snafus or any other issues. As far as viewing, I’m thinking of watching my Lord of the Rings trilogy again. It’s been a while. I have to be in the mood though. I enjoy mysteries and watch a lot of Agatha Christie’s Poirot. Have a great day!

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