Laudable Linkage

Links to good blog posts

I have just a short list today, as I’ve been busy preparing for my oldest son’s visit.

Helping My Child Deal with Anxiety, HT to the Story Warren. “No mother wants to watch their kids suffer. We want them to have it better than we did, to skip the painful parts we suffered through. But we cannot control the world around them. We cannot control their brain chemistry or DNA. We cannot spare them the struggle of anxiety or depression.”

The Audacity of Disability, HT to Challies. “You might have gotten the diagnosis beforehand, when the beautiful process of growth in the womb turned fearful. Or maybe it happened like it did for us, entering the hospital with excitement, only to discover something terribly wrong in the delivery room. Or perhaps it was a few years later, when you began to notice that something wasn’t quite right. However it happened, however you learned of it, disability entered your world, unexpected and unwelcome.”

Songs Are Discipleship, HT to Challies. “How does this song build up the body of Christ? How does this song edify a seasoned saint? How does this jingle build up the newly-born believer? How does this worship leader understand his role and responsibility? We must take seriously the theological development of the individuals we call worship leaders because they are disciples too.”

Q&A with Tim Challies: Wisdom to Bolster Writers.

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