Friday’s Fave Five

Susanne at Living to Tell the Story hosts Friday’s Fave Five so we can share our favorite things from the last week. This has been a wonderful exercise in looking for and appreciating the good things God gives. Click on the button to learn more, then go to Susanne’s to read others’ faves and link up your own.

Here are my faves for the week:

1. The “fond farewell” from my ladies’ group at church at my last meeting with them Monday night. I  probably could’ve made a whole Fave Five post from that.

2. Getting some things checked off the to-do list in preparation for moving. Still much more there, but it was good to get some of those things taken care of this week.

3. Skype. Though I usually prefer to talk on the phone, every now and then using Skype is fun. My middle son called my husband last night on his computer, and we were all able to chat together.

4. Wal-Mart brand “Fudge-Covered Peanut Butter Filled Cookies.” They need a more catchy name though. 🙂

5. Clouds! We’ve been needing rain here, and so far haven’t gotten much, but it’s been overcast a few times, which has at least relieved the heat just a bit. Hopefully they will bring some rain soon.

Have a great weekend! I might be tonight or over the weekend before I am able to return your visit.

14 thoughts on “Friday’s Fave Five

  1. Skype is pretty cool I must say and free. I love that fact. Boy I can imagine how busy you are going to be with the move and all 🙂 I loved reading about the “fond farewell” Ooo those cookies sound delish. Great week my friend. Have a wonderful weekend 🙂

  2. I love Skype! I talk to my parents and my best friend quite often, and we use our webcams too. I always say we’re living the Jetson lifestyle – remember how they had picture phones? LOL

  3. I have got to get into the Skype thing, with a grandbaby on the way!

    And oh, those cookies? I have to check into those, too!!

    What a sweet farewell. I’m sure you are SO busy. Hope all comes together easily for you this week. Do take care.

  4. I’ve heard a lot about Skype, but have yet to look into it. We now live on the Easy Coast completely across country from our friends and family on the West Coast…guess I should look into it. 🙂

    We, too, were able to get some things checked off the Moving-To-Do list!! Such a great feeling!

  5. We use Skype regularly – our oldest lives in the UK and it’s great to actually be able to see him and his wife. It feels like a real visit.

    Glad you had such a sweet time with your Ladies Fellowship group,

    Happy weekend!

  6. I have never used skype – I understand it’s really pretty cool though.

    I think that Ladies celebration probably could fill a month of FFF!!! 🙂

    I’ve never tried those cookies – but I rarely buy cookies… probably because I would EAT them!

  7. My roomie is using skype for work and it is certainly cool. How lovely that you had a fond farewell — I will have to go back and read that post. Hope things go well for your move, Barbara.

  8. I’m not sure if I could do skype video with dial-up but then sometimes I wouldn’t want anyone to be able to SEE me when I am sitting at my computer, IF you know what I mean! LOL
    Oh my goodness!!! I am for sure going to have to check out those cookies for Ed! I’m not much on cookies or chocolate OR peanut butter but he sure is!!!

  9. Skype is great. I’m sure it’s made my list a time or two. :v)

    Your ladies gave you an absolutely lovely farewell. I’m sure they will really miss you as you will them.

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