Friday’s Fave Fives

friday fave five 12It’s Friday, time to look back over the blessings of the week
with Susanne at Living to Tell the Story and other friends.

Our February has begun with rain and flooding. Thankfully, the rain looks like it will hold off until next week, so hopefully some of the impromptu lakes will recede. And, thankfully, for my family, the worst result was extra navigation due to closed roads. Here are some others causes for gratefulness this week:

1. “Pretend camping.” There’s been much talk of going camping for Timothy’s birthday in a few months. We watched Timothy Friday night so his parents could have a date. While I made dinner, Timothy wanted to pretend camp with Granddad. They put drinks in a cooler, turned off the living room lights, turned on lanterns, made a pretend fire, had Alexa play forest noises. Timothy got out a little tent that he had played in when he was two (and which is now way too small for him–his legs stuck out.) He was most impressed that Granddad got out his real camping pans to cook their catch of fish.

2. Rediscovering a sweater. My regular sweater needed to be washed, so I dug out a different one to wear until it dried. This one was fairly new, but I hadn’t liked how it looked or fit. So it’s pretty much hung unused in the closet. But I discovered it is much warmer than my everyday sweater. My usual one is just right most of the time, but this one is great for some of the 20-30 degree weather we’ve had and keeps me from bumping up the thermostat.

3. Rediscovering a purchase. I keep some of our Christmas packaging on hand for a while in case anything needs to be returned. As I cleared that out of my closet, I discovered this little “Our nest” sign I had bought before Christmas with a Hobby Lobby gift card. I hadn’t had time to put it up with all the Christmas activities, and then I forgot about it. I enjoyed putting it up in the spot I had envisioned for it, above a cross stitch I did a few years ago and a Karla Dornacher print, both having to do with nests.

4. My own tool box. I often either can’t find tools when I need them, or they are dirty when I do find them. Some years ago I bought my own tool set–pink, hopefully to deter any of then men of the house from borrowing them. 🙂 I had to look this up when I couldn’t find the regular hammer in its usual place when I put the sign up, and it did the job just fine.

5. Lunch with a friend. It had been a long while since we had gotten together, and we’ve even been missing each other at church lately. We ended up spending three hours over lunch catching up and laughing. Thankfully the restaurant wasn’t so busy that they needed to shoo us out.

Bonus: not getting sick after all. I woke up with a sore throat and congestion earlier in the week, and thought for sure I had caught whatever is going around. I tried to rest throughout the day, and was fine the next day except for sinus pressure and tiredness. By yesterday I felt back to normal.

So, all in all, despite ups and downs, it has been a good week here. How was your week?

16 thoughts on “Friday’s Fave Fives

  1. Your Grandson will always remember that “camping.” Love the Our Nest trio. One of my gifts in 2018 was a wonderful tool kit from my husband. I love it and use it all the time. I have two friends who I go to coffee with. One at Starbucks and one at McDonalds. The staff know we are in for 3 to 4 hours at least each time we show up. It is fun and needed at times. Have a wonderful week and God bless and glad you are Healed in Jesus name.

  2. Oh how fun that grandpa “camped” with TImothy!! Those are the best kinds of memories. I really do miss our camping days when the girls were little.
    Lunches out with friends is always a blessing to me…glad you got to have one!
    There’s nothing like a sweater on a cold day!
    I took today off from work because last night I felt a cold coming on. Now it’s about 4 pm and my throat is way less scratchy and i have NO congestion. My body is a little tired but I THINK now that the major part of our snow storm is over and the sun came out, I just might venture out and meet my husband at our worship night at church!!

    Happy weekend, Barbara!

  3. The ‘camping’ story is precious! What a wonderful memory for everyone. 💕
    I have a pink tool kit, as well. It sounds like you are more handy with yours though.

  4. What a precious thing to do camping in the house. That is what sweet memories are made of!

    Your “nest” sign is beautiful. I love the simplicity of framed, handwritten words.

    Lunch with a friend is always a joy. I had a couple of those myself this past week.


  5. Love the camping story and I bought a similar tool kit for my daughter when she moved into her own place. Sounds like you had a good week and I’m glad you stayed well.

  6. Hmm… I wonder if the twins would like to “pretend camp” ….

    It’s always fun to discover something packed away that works now. It’s like a getting a double gift. And think how you’re helping the environment by reusing!

    I agree about having your own tools. It’s not pink but I have my own hammer my husband bought me years ago. I’m pretty fond of it!

  7. The indoor camping sounds so cute! I love your little nest grouping that you put up; really nice. I love how you can find joy in the simplest things like the sweater pulled out of the closet. Feeling warm does feel good.

  8. I love your fun new artwork. So convenient to have your own tool kit. That comes in handy. So glad you were able to have dinner with a friend, and also stay well. Have a good weekend.

  9. That’s really cute camping in the living room with grandpa !! We have a lot of people with a cold here too the weather changes all the time, warm, cold, warm cold etc !

  10. How fun that Jim went along with Timothy on his camping trip in the living room. Timothy sounds like a very creative little boy. Three hour lunch with a friend? The best!! Glad you didn’t get sick.

  11. I am SOOO late reading and commenting on FFFs. (it was that kind of a weekend…)
    What a fun evening to pretend camp with Timothy. The more he play camps, the more he will be prepared to do real camp in the summer.
    What a fun time to spend three hours with your friend! That is a true blessing!

  12. Pingback: February Reflections | Stray Thoughts

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