Friday’s Fave Five

It’s Friday, time to look back over the blessings of the week
with Susanne at Living to Tell the Story and other friends.

Time keeps ticking by, no matter what we’re doing. Here we are at another Friday and halfway thorough April already! I enjoy these weekly pause to note the best parts of the preceding week.

1. Easter. Though our Easter was different from usual, it was still good. We enjoyed a good church service via Zoom, and a great meal and dessert. The night before, we had a three-way FaceTime call with all the kids, and later my son sent us videos of my grandson unpacking his Easter basket from us and then hunting for Easter eggs. So all in all, a good day.

2. Food swap. We had made ham and cheesy potatoes, and my daughter-in-law had made lasagna. Later in the day my son dropped by for a food swap—we shared some of our Easter leftovers with each other.

3. My favorite candy. I usually make, not Easter baskets, but little metal spring buckets for the kids with Easter candy in them. Timothy’s basket is bigger, with little toys and such. I don’t always make one for my husband, but we usually have enough extra candy for both of us to have some. I did make one for him this year, though. And I was surprised that he had bought me a bag of my favorite milk chocolate Lindt Lindor truffles. He doesn’t usually get them for Easter, so that was a treat. And I also love the small Reese’s eggs.

Yes, by the time I took the picture on Thursday, most of the truffles were gone. I’ve been rationing them out two a day. 🙂

4. Timothy’s birthday. Original plans had been to have a camp-out for my grandson’s birthday. Not only did social distancing throw a wrench in, but the weather was chilly. My son and daughter-in-law rearranged their living room to set up Timothy’s little play tent and their inflatable air mattress for a few days. Then on his birthday they set up a tent in the yard just to play in for a bit. We had another three-way FaceTime call to watch Timothy open presents and sing happy birthday to him. The next afternoon, my son dropped some birthday cake slices off for us.

camping cake

My daughter-in-law did an amazing job on that adorable cake!

5. Shakespeare’s sonnets. Sir Patrick Stewart has been reading one a day with his wonderful accent on his Instagram account. I’m not familiar with most of them, and I haven’t caught all of them, but I’ve enjoyed the ones I have taken the time to listen to.

I hope you’re still doing well this week! I feel we especially need to pray for our leaders now as decisions are made about reopening businesses and easing social distancing.

12 thoughts on “Friday’s Fave Five

  1. Hello and happy friday. I love those Lindt Truffles as well. They are so delicious. How thoughtful of your husband. Glad you had a good Easter and are still able to connect with your fmaily,even from a safe distance. Have a great weekend!

  2. The food swap sounds great! Although I’m really not cooking anymore than I normally do, I tend to get tired of my own cooking all the time. Glad you could Face Time for Timothy’s birthday and even enjoy some of his cake! I agree about praying for our leaders. I find them coming to mind often throughout the day.

  3. Happy Birthday to Timothy! Even though it’s sad to us to be missing out, these unusual celebrations may be ones they remember the most. 🙂 I pray we’ll all be celebrating in person though sooner rather than later. Stay well!

  4. Looks like Timothy had a great time celebrating and yes he will remember this birthday. Thank goodness for technology for keeping us in touch. We have at least another 3 weeks of lockdown and I’m not sure that’s going to be the end of it. Have to wait and see. Stay well.

  5. I’ve been watching the Shakespearean sonnets being read as well. We are all having to find ways to adapt to being apart. I’m glad that Timothy had a happy birthday and that you were able to get some of your favourite treats. I used to live near the Lindt chocolate factory in New Hampshire.

  6. I love to see how everyone is improvising these days. The campout for Timothy sounds like fun and I’m sure he thought it was special. I like the idea of trading your Easter dinners. It’s hard to cook a small amount for a special dinner, and that solves the problem. Yes, prayers are needed for our leaders, especially at this time.

  7. Isn’t it wonderful we have technology to ease the pain of being in person with our loved ones!

    Timothy’s parents were very creative for his birthday. I’m sure he will look back on his birthday campout as a fun time.

    Love the idea of a food swap1 I’m kind of tired of my own cooking since I’ve been doing it for 44 years! LOL.

  8. Happy Birthday to Timothy! It sounds like it was a memorable birthday in spite of plans changing. That is a great cake. We bought no Easter treats this year. First time ever. The Food swap sounds like a great idea to mix it up a bit.

  9. Timothy doesn’t seem like he was too disappointed in his birthday celebration or Easter–he’s is smiling and looks perfectly happy and content.
    I’ve heard of families doing ‘camp outs’ in their living rooms and backyards and it seems like lots of fun.
    It’s zoom great for keeping in touch?

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