Friday’s Fave Five

On Fridays I like to pause for a few moments with Susanne and friends
to reflect on some of the blessings of the week.

It’s hard to believe we’re on the last Friday of October. Soon holiday season will be here! Here’s what I am thankful for this week:

1. Pumpkin decorating. We had our annual pumpkin carving/decorating on Saturday. Always a fun time!

2. Caramel corn and apple cider, two treats I always make for this occasion! Making the caramel corn is labor-intensive, but the recipe makes a lot and is so good.

3. Productive days. I got a lot done around the house this week, plus some work on the blog, an article, and my book. Usually either physical work or computer time gets done, so it was nice to make strides in both.

4. A successful new recipe. I’m trying to find leaner main dishes. I tend to have a lot of starches in mine, with a fair amount of meat and a few vegetables. So I am trying to find healthier ratios. These Juicy Air Fryer Chicken Breasts were so good.

5. Intersections. It’s amazing how often the different sources I read all contain the same message on the same day. The Bible passage, devotional book, commentary, and a couple of blog posts I read this morning all spoke of waiting on the Lord.

Do you have any blessings to share from this last week in October? I’d love to hear them in the comments.

9 thoughts on “Friday’s Fave Five

  1. The biggest blessing for me has been to move in to our home. Obviously, that means a lot of work placing furniture and unpacking and arranging. You don’t need to go to the gym if you’re moving!
    I’m glad you were so productive this week. It does feel good, doesn’t it?
    I admit to loving caramel corn. Yum!

  2. It sounds like you had a great week, getting lots done and that caramel corn sounds yummy. My week has been productive, too, with lots of catching up at work, and I finally got some valances hung in our bedroom windows.

  3. I’m glad your week was productive. Caramel corn sounds yummy – will have to look for it over here. We decorated pumpkins for the first time ever this week – we don’t celebrate Halloween but my kids’ school is running a pumpkin patch decoration. It was fun making their creations spooky. I love when all the resources I use intersect as well! God’s way of reinforcing a particular message to me.

  4. Sounds like you had a good productive week!!

    Pumpkin carving is always fun and yours sounds extra special with the autumn treats.

    I have many “leaner” recipes on my blog under the label Faithfixes: dinner. There’s a dessert link too as well as salads, breakfasts. Feel free to use!

  5. We have recently moved out in to country in Virginia. Apparently our house is on the path of migrating birds going south. It’s been a blessing to hear and see them make their way to a warmer climate. Also, I can say enough about the beauty of Fall that God has given us!

  6. I am happy that I managed to move into our new apartment just in time between the second lockdown now ! From Halloween I haven’t seen a lot, some masks in shops, everything had been cancelled ! And now I am prisoner for 6 weeks !

  7. My family love their air fryer, too. Hope it will help you get creative with meals. I’ve found an easy frozen veggie mix that ensures I don’t have to think too hard when a veggie is missing from my meal. Hurray for #3. I love those days that feel chock full of productivity!

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