Checking In

There’s not an official Friday’s Fave Five this week, because our hostess, Susanne, has family visiting and wants to spend as much time as possible with them.

I’m in the same situation. My oldest son came in late last Friday night, and we celebrated his birthday Saturday. My husband took off this week, so we’re enjoying a stay-cation. Due to COVID and rainy weather, we haven’t been able to do any activities in the area. But we’re enjoying hanging out, resting, and chatting.

My two sons who live nearby have to work but are both taking today off. They’ve come over for dinner and games most evenings. Jason and Mittu had us over there a couple of times, and Jesse is cooking for us tonight.

My favorites from this week are:

  • Family
  • Food
  • Fun and games
  • Fellowship
  • Free time

And we’re looking to continue this weekend!

Hope you are having a good week!

5 thoughts on “Checking In

  1. yay for family, fellowship, food and game night…and celebrating birthdays! Is Covid on the rise where you are?? We’re not doing too badly here in NY and most people are back to “normal” although it’s a bit different…..our restaurants are struggling with hiring people.

    I hope you have wonderful weekend with your family. Great pics!!

  2. I’m so glad your oldest son made it in and will pray that he can make it out without incident too! Happy weekend πŸ™‚

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