Friday’s Fave Five

It’s hard to believe we’re nearing the end of October already. I’m grateful Susanne at Living to Tell the Story started this tradition of stopping for a few minutes to recap the best parts of the week. Maree’s blog today shares how gratefulness makes us happy.

1. Pumpkin decorating/carving. Mittu made chili and cornbread. Jim and Jason were the only ones to carve their pumpkins this year. They’re the most proficient at it. Jason created his from a photo of Timothy.

The rest of us painted ours. Mine is *supposed* to look like a cupcake. πŸ™‚ Jesse did the clown face, Mittu the cute little ghost, and I think Timothy’s is a bat. I found some face stickers that some of us used on the back of our pumpkins.

2. Caramel popcorn and apple cider is what I traditionally make for pumpkin decorating night. the caramel popcorn is one of my husband’s favorite things. It’s a bit of work to make, but it’s so addictive (and it makes the house smell so good).

3. Trunk or Treat. We’ve never been in a church that did this. but the church we are visiting did this week both as a community outreach and to provide a safe place for kids to dress up and get candy. Most of the adults giving out candy dressed up, too. Jim and I resurrected our Red Riding Hood’s Grandmother and the Big Bad Wolf outfits from a couple of years ago. I thought some of the kids would be afraid of Jim’s mask, but they mostly just laughed or growled when they saw him. One little one kept his distance, though, and stared. Jason, Mittu, and Timothy came out for it, and it was a lot of fun.

4. Getting a physical is not fun, but getting it over with is nice. Plus I had a fairly good visit this time. I am not always happy in trying to discuss things with this doctor—he tends to brush off my concerns. But we had a good discussion this time.

5. Tidying the blog and around the house. Nothing major, but I deleted a few defunct things from my sidebar got some things put away at home. It’s always nice to neaten and restore order.

Finally, I wanted to share this quote from a book I am reading, Joy: A Godly Woman’s Adornment by Lydia Brownback. This seems to encapsulate Friday’s Fave Five:

“If we are not looking for the good things, we may fail to see them when they come. That’s part of why thankfulness is so important. Offering thanks to God, no matter what is going on in our lives, is a way of acknowledging that he knows exactly what he is doing and that we can trust him” (p. 28, Kindle version).

I liked this one as well:

“Sometimes thankfulness is a choice we make rather than a feeling we have” (p. 28).

11 thoughts on “Friday’s Fave Five

  1. I love the quote from the book you’re reading! It’s sort of why we do blog posts like these. The pumpkin carving of Timothy is amazing! I like the idea of painting them as well. I do think you’re looks like a cupcake. In fact, when I first glanced at the photo, I thought it was a cake. Your costumes are adorable! It looks like you were having fun with the kids. I have to admit Jim’s mask looked scary! I’m glad your physical went well and is done for another year. I also like tidying and sorting through things. I’m still finding things that I donate to make more room and because of my small space. Have a great weekend!

  2. Those are terrific quotes! I’m just imagining your house with amazing caramel, popcorn, and apple cider scents. Think I just gained five pounds.

    The carved image of Timothy is terrific! Glad you completing the physical and electronic tidying. How endless that electronic tidying seems! Enjoy your weekend.

  3. Awww, you all look great and you are the perfect LRR grandma!!! So sweet. I hear ya on the physical with a doctor who isn’t always the greatest. I’m currently trying to locate a new one … Love all your pumpkins. I have no talent there but do always bake/process the pumpkin later and use it throughout the year in baking πŸ™‚

  4. I really love those quotes from your book. Your pumpkins look so fun and festive. The trunk or treat looks fun too. Our church does trunk or treat as well. It’s always good to have the physical over with. I hope you have a good weekend. See you again soon!

  5. Oh, I love both of those quotes! I’m going to share them with my Monday night Bible Study group.
    Yay, for the dr appts being done! (I just realized that I should have added that to my FFF–a good visit with my dermatologist)
    Caramel popcorn? Yes, please!
    Love those pumpkins. Jason’s carving of Timothy’s face is amazing.
    Enjoy your weekend!

  6. Love, love, love both of the quotes. I will have to look up that book! The pumpkins are cute. Love your traditions of caramel corn on pumpkin night. Glad you had a good conversation with your doctor. Cute idea for dressing up for you and your hubby.

  7. Love your cupcake pumpkin. It looks like a cupcake to me! And your Halloween costumes are great. πŸ™‚ Jeff and I are usually bah-humbugs when it comes to wearing costumes, but I do enjoy seeing what others wear.

  8. Your pumpkin decorations are adorable ! I think you must have had a lot of fun doing this ! Halloween is not so celebrated here and carving pumpkins not at all, at least I have never seen doing this.

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