Friday’s Fave Five

It’s hard to believe we’re near the first week of January already. These Friday pauses with Susanne at Living to Tell the Story invite us to capture and be thankful for the blessings that come our way.

1. Bowling and pizza. Our last Saturday when everyone was here, we went bowling in the afternoon. I don’t think we’ve done that since before the pandemic began. We went home to rest and met up again at Timothy’s favorite pizza place. The people working that night were exceptional in their service. When I got a chocolate chip cookie for dessert, they warmed it in the same oven where they warm their pizzas. It was so good.

2. A new iPad mini was one of my Christmas presents. My old one was acting clunky and running out of battery way too quickly. The new one has been a pleasure.

3. A leak in our bathroom seems to have been coming from the handle that turns off the water rather than from under the toilet, as we had feared. My husband’s fix seems to be holding.

4. New calendars are one of my favorite parts of January. Even though we all have calendars on our phones and tablets, I still like the big family calendar in the kitchen and one near my desk I can glance at. Plus I like turning the pages and seeing new photos or art work every month.

5. A quiet week was much needed after the holidays, though I loved the activities and family time. I had intended to take one whole day just to vegetate. That didn’t quite work out, but the week has been more relaxed. Plus we got take-out for dinner a few times and had leftovers one night, so it’s been a light cooking week.

Bonus: beautiful weather. After enduring 3 degrees during Christmas, afternoon highs in the 50s this week felt great. Plus we’ve had sunshine and blue skies toward the end of the week. Winter’s not done yet, I’m sure. But I am basking in the nice weather while we have it.

Bonus 2: Normalcy. I was struck this week that with the activities we went to over the holidays and even just going to the grocery store this week, it feels normal to do these things for the first time since the pandemic started. I guess it has felt that way for a while now and I just realized it. Covid is still out there, and we’re thinking it probably always will be. And we still have some supply issues. But it’s so nice not to have it all hanging over us like a dark cloud, as it did for so long.

What’s something good from your week?

13 thoughts on “Friday’s Fave Five

  1. We tried to go bowling with our neighbors but didn’t think we need reservations! Now know better than to attempt it during the week everyone’s off. Glad you got to do it as a family.

    Sunshine makes such a difference doesn’t it? What a lovely break of 50s in the middle of winter. And nice dinner prep breaks this week, too. Happy new year, new calendar, new start to the FFFs!

  2. This has been a good week. I’ve been writing and preparing for the Carolina Christian Writers Conference in Spartanburg SC in March 2023. It’s one of my favorite conferences. Have a blessed week! πŸ™‚

    • Nice! I went to that one in 2018 and 2019. I used to live in Spartanburg (1998-2010), so it was nice this conference was in a city I was familiar with. And it was small compared to some of the others, so it wasn’t overwhelming–though there was certainly a lot to take in. I hope to make it to the Blue Ridge one some day.

  3. Yes it is good to get back to normal routines after the Christmas period isn’t it? Glad the leak seems to be fixed. It’s been quite mild here too this week but wet at times. Enjoy your weekend.

  4. I love our hard copy calendar hanging on the kitchen bulletin board too and LOVE the art work for 2023…I bought the one titled Simplicity. It’s so pretty. And I use a good old fashioned day planner for my desk. I mean…it’s a teacher thing, right?? I rarely use my iphone calendar hahaha

    LOVE that you had warmer temps……we have too although Xmas eve was downright frigid!! I love a quiet week…..

  5. Bowling and pizza sounds like a great time and lots of fun. How nice that your weather has warmed up. We’re still having very cold temps, so much so that the snow is still deep and sidewalks icy. We’re not used to this!

  6. We have had cool and wet weather here in So CA. It was up to 82 on Christmas but dropped down to the 60’s. I need to find a wall calendar. I got a small desk calendar, but I like the hanging one. Enjoy your new mini pad. I use a laptop. Enjoy your weekend!

  7. I love new calendars. They symbolize a fresh start in the new year. We usually get one with scenes from the National Parks. It is nice to feel more normal finally. The past three years have been a chaotic and troubling time. I think we can all appreciate more “normal” stuff going on. I think it’s cool that you got a new ipad. I have an old Kindle (2016) and the battery doesn’t stay charged. I rarely read books on it. I have been thinking of getting a new one, but it’s not in the budget right now. Bowling and pizza sounds fun. I hope you have a great weekend!

  8. I too am thankful for the warmer weather! Temps in the single digits and teens did me in! I used to dread temps in the 30s but not they’re not so scary anymore! LOL

  9. Sounds like a great week! My mouth is watering at the thought of your cookie πŸ™‚ I too enjoyed a quieter week before gearing up for piano lessons starting again this coming week. I am loving the return of normal (for the most part). I honestly feel like the country has had a bit of PTSD over covid.

  10. Bowling and pizza! Haven’t done that since our kids were smaller. I’ll have to remember that for next holiday season. I’m like you, gotta have a hard copy calendar. I have one on the kitchen wall for personal use and a “book” style one for my work. Phone calendar is ok for when I’m out and about and have to enter something then but I always transfer it over to the wall one. Normalcy is good!

  11. You made me jealous that you went bowling ! That’s ages that I haven’t done it ! A new IPad is a nice Christmas gift. I have a Samsung and very happy with it. We have a flu epidemic not Covid, but there are lots people in hospital and the doctors have a lot of work ! Unfortunately I got it too, first time since 5 years I am sick and feeling lousy !

  12. Normalcy and quiet weeks seem to be the themes of this week. And warmer weather. Yes, winter is still here, but it is nice to have had a respite.
    Pizza and bowling sound like fun.
    Happy weekend!

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