Friday’s Fave Five

It’s Friday once again, time to pause with Susanne at Living to Tell the Story to remind ourselves of and thank God for His gifts of the week.

1. A family outing. We went with Jason, Mittu, and Timothy last Saturday to a car show. I’m not so much into looking at old cars, but Timothy asked. πŸ™‚ And it was fun to do something together. A bonus was finding some pink cars!

I thought this British one was cute as well:

You probably can’t make it out in that picture, but on top was a tribute to Queen Elizabeth.

Afterwards, we went out to a new-to-us Mexican food restaurant. I love Mexican food and hadn’t had any in a restaurant in a long time. After we ate, someone (maybe the owner or manager) came over and told us about their desserts, then brought us a free sample of white chocolate raspberry cheesecake to share.

2. Churros. These get their own listing. πŸ™‚ At the restaurant, we ordered some churros to go. It was only the second time I had ever had them, and the first time to have them freshly made. Oh my. So good.

3. Popcorn experiments. Some time ago, Jason and Mittu had given Jim a set of different types of popcorn. We made some the night they brought it, but had not done much with it since. But lately, Jim’s has gotten out the air popper and tried several different flavorings. My favorite so far was kettle corn mixed with honey roasted peanuts. But we just found white cheddar flavoring yesterday, so I look forward to trying that. And to his credit, whenever Jim experiments in the kitchen, he always cleans up afterward.

4. A fun outing. I had a dentist appointment yesterday afternoon–not fun, especially when she couldn’t do the planned filling because the damage was too extensive. The affected tooth is under a bridge, and I’m going to need either a root canal or an implant. While I try to gather more information to make a decision, I have to take antibiotics because there is a little infection in the tooth.

I had planned to run some errands and get my hair cut after the appointment, but thunderstorms started about an hour before I needed to leave (two of my least favorite things at the same time: dental work and driving in storms!) I almost decided to just go back home after seeing the dentist. But the rain let up, so I went on. Then the rain stopped completely. One of my stops was at a new Michael’s craft store recently opened nearby. The only other Michael’s was 30 minutes away, so I rarely got out there. I had some gift cards for them, and it was almost like a second Christmas being able to use them. Plus, craft stores are some of my favorite places, and it had been a long time since I had just wandered around one just for fun. One of my new treasures is this:

5. A fantastic cookie. Jason had once brought me a cookie from a new Crumbl Cookies shop. I wanted to stop in there and see what else they had, but hadn’t made it yet. I finally did on my outing yesterday. This is their Reese’s peanut butter cookie. Oh. my. word. So soft and so good! It’s too much to eat in one sitting, but I’ve enjoyed parts of it and have some left for today.

So it’s been a “sweet” week in more ways than one. πŸ™‚ I hope you’ve had some sweet moments as well.

9 thoughts on “Friday’s Fave Five

  1. I had a peanut butter cookie at Crumbl when I went to visit my daughter in Florida! Very, very good! And they are so huge. I’m sorry about the dentist appointment not going like you’d hoped. At least you have time to think about it.

    I have a Michael’s just down the road and I enjoy looking there. They have good sales too. I sometimes shop online and then go there later in the day and pick up my purchase. Very convenient.

    Car shows are not my think either, but I remember going to one in Florida a few years before I moved. They had several Corvettes which I found interesting. No pink ones though as I remember. I love the tribute to Queen Elizabeth on the top of the British car.

    Have blessed weekend. Looking forward to getting together again soon.

  2. What a week! Like you, I wouldn’t be thrilled by a car show. BUT if a grandchild suggested it … πŸ˜‰ And I loved the QEII tribute. I have a couple of crowns so I feel your pain, so to speak. Thankfully dentistry just keeps improving. I’ll pray for you to have wisdom to make the right decision there. We got a new Crumbl Cookie in the past month and I too have been salivating, wanting to try one. Yours looks so delicious! Hopefully soon.

  3. What a fun outing to see shiny colorful cars! Even better a new restaurant to enjoy and those fresh churros sound delicious.

    Nice that you got to play around in a Michaels. I’m assuming Hobby Lobby is closer to you. We got one a few years ago and I (not being a crafty sort) finally visited late last year. It was a lot of fun and a visual feast.

    I’ve heard Crumbl cookies are really rich and sweet (and pricy). So how extra nice to get one you like that lasts a few days.

    Hope you get some good advice on your two dental options.

  4. WOW that is one large cookie! My husband would love that (if I let him eat one HA!!)

    How fun to go to the car show with your grandson. Love the Lilibet tribute πŸ™‚

    Mexican food isn’t my fave but i do crave it once in awhile. We have a good restaurant about 20 min north of us….the mexican restaurants down here are all chains and just not that good in my opinion.

    I love that little wall hanging and i LOVE browsing around Michael’s although I’m not crafty in the least.

  5. That cookie looks so good! I like to go to craft stores too! I hope your dental problem works out. I hate going to the dentist, but it must be done. I like those pink cars!

  6. Oh some great things in your week. (Apart from the dental issue – I hate going to the dentist so I feel for you on that) I’m not sure I’d enjoy a car show but with the grandkids I’m sure it would be fun especially as you made such an outing of it with eating out too. Have a good weekend and I hope you manage to get the tooth sorted one way or another.

  7. I can’t count the number of car shows I’ve been to. They are fun. Just wait until Timothy decides he wants to go to a Monster Truck show… ask how I would know…grandson Liam loves Monster Trucks.
    I love to wander around Hobby Lobby. Except I do get visual overload.
    Churros! Love them! My first one was from a small stand in Olvera Street (birthplace of Los Angeles). So. Good.
    Have a good week. (about implants. I recommend them, but don’t get the metal; there is another kind that is supposed to be better)

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