Friday’s Fave Five

It’s been a pleasant week. We had a mild cold snap, but overall the weather was fairly comfortable. I’m once again stopping for a bit to recount the week’s blessings with Susanne and friends at Living to Tell the Story. Feel free to join in!

1. A family outing. We all went to a “spring expo” at a nearby convention center with local crafts and small businesses. It turned out not to have very many vendors, but it was still fun to stroll through together. Then Mittu, my daughter-in-law, offered to make stroganoff for us. Jesse, my youngest, couldn’t come for that, but the rest of us enjoyed playing Uno Flip and Minecraft Uno.

2. Lunch with Melanie at a new-to-us place. We tried the Apple Cake Tea Room this month just to do something different. We decided it was too far away to go there regularly, but we enjoyed it. We had to have the namesake apple cake, of course, for dessert. Thankfully Melanie suggested splitting a piece. which turned out to be a great idea, because I was stuffed afterward. The quiche was good but the cake was luscious and just the right degree of warmth.

3. The first hummingbird sighting of the season. We have a hummingbird feeder right outside the kitchen window which had its first visitors this week.

4. The first roses of the season.

5. The biannual closet change-over. I love moving the darker, heavier winter clothes out and the lighter spring/summer clothes into my closet. These days, the off-season clothes are stored in the closet of the guest bedroom, so it’s not quite as big a deal as putting clothes into and out of boxes.

So the first Friday of May ends a week of mostly simple pleasures. How was yours?

8 thoughts on “Friday’s Fave Five

  1. A good week! I love the look of the place you ate; so quaint. I need to put out my hummingbird feeder. All my clothes is “out” year-round now since I have a good-size closet and honestly not all that much clothes. I do remember the seasonal clothes changeover when the girls were little. It was quite the chore!

  2. I enjoyed lunch yesterday. I think I enjoyed the glazed fruit compote more than the quiche! I’m glad you took photos.

    I did my closet change over a couple weeks ago. A lot of my wardrobe is year ’round but there are some things I put away in favor of lighter clothing.

    I would love to have a humming bird feeder but I don’t know how it would work in my apartment complex. I have a small patch of grass for it but I wonder if they are affected by a lot of noise. Your roses are lovely! Such a pretty pink.

    Have a great weekend, my friend.

  3. Oh that tea cafe looks wonderful!! the food looks absolutely scrumptious. WOW! How fun to share the time with a blogging friend.

    the day with family sounds fun and it was nice of your DiL to offer to make dinner.

    YAY for the first roses of the season. My bushes are doing well but no blooms yet…a bit early for us NYers.


  4. How fun to try a new spot that looks so charming.
    Hurray for hummers! They are year-round visitors here and, in winter, my neighbor puts out 10 feeders that she refills almost daily. She stocks 10lb bags of sugar just to keep her “pets”.
    Your roses are getting ready to burst with the milder weather — spring has sprung in your neck o’ the woods.

  5. If the hummingbirds just showed up at your place this week, maybe they’ll arrive here next week. Yesterday, I put out the feeder but so far no hummers have showed up.
    Oh the roses look beautiful!
    Two special meals together–with Melanie and with family. They may be ‘small’ things, but the fellowship and fun are so important.
    Have a good week!

  6. Always fun to try new places to eat. The restaurant sounds very enjoyable. I love the closet changeover and I now can put it in the spare room too so no more boxes for me either. It’s handy in our changeover weather as one day it could be cold and the next hot. The roses are gorgeous.

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