Friday’s Fave Five

Friday's Fave Five

Another week sped by, and it’s time to remember and share the good things of the week. I’m thankful Susanne hosts a place to do this at Living to Tell the Story.

1. Fall! Autumn doesn’t officially begin until tomorrow, but we’ve had some lovely temperatures in the 50s at night and 70s to low 80s in the daytime. Some of the trees seem to have gotten the memo, with rusty leaves dropping already. I hope we have a very long autumn. I love the space between the heat of summer and the cold barrenness of winter.

2. Jesse’s birthday. My youngest son turned 30, which makes me feel old! We had a good time celebrating.

Jesse birthday

I’m thankful Mittu made this cute and tasty Lemon Blueberry Cake that Jesse requested. It had reduced me to tears the last time I tried it, and almost did her as well! We’ve decided we need to find a different recipe. If you have one, let us know!

I need to be more mindful of the background of my photos. This looks a little busy. That’s my writing desk in the little alcove off the dining area.

3. Pumpkin Spice Donuts. I’m not into pumpkin-spice-everything, but I do enjoy getting a package of these donuts once a year.

Pumpkin spice donuts

4. A submission accepted. I learned this week that a short piece of writing I submitted to an online site was accepted. It won’t be published til next August, though, so I’ll tell you more about it then.

5. Reese’s Peanut Butter Pumpkins. Reese’s has taken to shaping their chocolate-peanut butter concoctions into seasonal shapes. The pumpkin ones are so good! I limited myself by only getting two and having them different days.

6. Bonus: a new day. I had a couple of days with extra time to myself and was looking forward to getting a lot done, especially writing. I was disappointed that didn’t happen. But there’s nothing to do but start over the next day. (After I wrote that yesterday afternoon, I had a productive few hours. Yay!)

That’s my week. How was yours?

17 thoughts on “Friday’s Fave Five

  1. Happy #30 to your son….a handsome young man! My oldest just turned 30 a couple months ago and I was very choked up because that’s the age I got married!! She’s not even dating anyone right now so we are praying she meets a Christian man soon (She would LOVE to be dating a godly man (her words) ). 🙂

    I love lemon/blueberry anything and in fact I just made a lemon blueberry sweet bread when i went to visit my elderly uncle. He loved it!

    Congrats on your writing submission!! That’s exciting.

    I love a new day!! Glad you had some productive hours.
    I also don’t care for pumpkin spice stuff….not even the coffee…..but i LOVE making homemade pumpkin spice cookies and bread or muffins. I’m limiting my baking this season though due to my husband’s diet.

    I hope you have a wonderful first Autumn weekend!!

  2. These are two recipes you could check out. Both have specific directions – that’s what your recipe seems to be lacking?  I’ve used many recipes from both these sites. Mels kitchen is one I use several times a week.  Hope this helps! 

    Thanks for all your helpful posts!  Alicia Mudd

    Sent from the all new AOL app for iOS

  3. Hi Barbara! It was fun to get a little glimpse into your home by seeing the alcove where your writing desk is. Happy birthday to your son. The cake looks delicious! I haven’t had any pumpkin spice donuts for a long time, so maybe I will get some this year. So glad you got some productive writing time. I would love to read the online piece that was accepted when it comes out, so let us know! Have a great weekend. See you again soon!

  4. Nice to read. Congratulations, and what a cute cake in the photo. Oh, and I really like that your text got accepted. How nice!

    My week went pretty well. My son passed his vocational training (middelbaar beroepsonderwijs here in the Netherlands). That’s so special because he has severe dyslexia, and I’m so proud of him. Warm regards.

  5. Okay, now I’m very confused — the cake reduced you to tears — it was so good? But if that’s the case, why do you want a different recipe? I am spending too long thinking about this, lol. I too love the glimpse of your writing alcove! Yes, the Reese’s pumpkins are so good! I read a discussion lately where several people were positing that the seasonal shapes are tastier than regular Reese’s pbc — has to do with the chocolate/pb ratio I think? Fascinating 😉 Happy birthday to Jesse! You are too young for a 30 year old!

    • Ha! Sorry for the confusion! I wasn’t reduced to tears because the cake was so good, but because I had numerous problems making it and the icing–I had trouble with it all coming out the right texture and consistency. My d-i-l had trouble with it getting “done” and had to put it back in the oven several times. Both tasted good, and my son said that’s all he cares about. Still, we hope to find a less frustrating recipe next time.

      I agree about Reese’s seasonal shapes tasting better than the regular cups, though I like those as well.

  6. I’m sorry that cake recipe was a tough one (anything with layers is too hard for me). I looked at the recipe and seems straight forward but a lot of steps (reducing the blueberry mixture, etc.). Y’all may have to try for a blueberry lemony something else next time.

    Congrats on the accepted article! So nice when everything aligns for a productive time. …Including autumnal weather! Hurray indeed.

    A little pumpkin spice goes a long way — how cute are those little donuts!

  7. I think your office area looks very nice. Oh, my you should see my desk.. most of the time.. Im surprised I can find anything!! As per your comment. how marvelous you are doing the Jen Wilkin study. I am so bad I have two of her books that I really need to read. My Sunday school teacher taught from her books and I really enjoyed them.

  8. Happy Birthday to your boy! 30 is a milestone!
    Congrats on having your writing accepted. I will look forward to hearing more about it.
    Sorry I don’t have a lemon blueberry cake recipe to share with you. If I hear of one, I’ll let you know.
    Have a good week ahead!

  9. Happy birthday to your “teenager”, mine turned 50 ! Middle age, makes me a vintage I never cared about birthdays but now when I turned 80 I think that’s a big number. Never mind, it’s not the date which counts but how you feel in your head !

  10. Happy belated 30th to your son! Two of mine are in their 30’s and the youngest soon going to be there. And yes it does make me feel old. Congratulations on your writing submission being accepted. That is exciting! I love an occasional pumpkin spice item and I do love Reeces pnut butter cups in any shape.

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