Friday’s Fave Five

Friday's Fave Five

It’s a deliciously cool morning. I love this cool autumn phase before the cold of winter sets in. We still haven’t seen a lot of fall color in our area, but I trust we will before the leaves disappear. Meanwhile, life goes on, and every week has good things if we look for them. Here are some of mine that I’m sharing with you and Susanne at Living to Tell the Story.

1. My husband. Though I always appreciate him, he outdid himself this week. When he runs Saturday morning errands, he’ll often stop by the store for the handful of items on my running list on the refrigerator. This last Saturday, I had quite a lot listed and had planned to go to the store myself in the afternoon. He’ll do the full grocery shopping sometimes, but I hate to ask him when he’s had a full week of work plus other tasks. But he took care of my whole list. Then he got my autumn decorations down from the attic for me. He ran the cleaning cycle on our oven and wiped up the layer of ash that leaves on the oven walls. And one morning when he was out early, he brought me a Chick-Fil-A biscuit.

2. Evenings with the family. Jason and Mittu texted one day that they had gotten some tilapia and offered to come to our house to make and share it and some salad. I had some frozen loaded potato skins to offer as a side. Then Jim suggested we make s’mores on the patio with a little tabletop “oven” he had. It was a fun night. Another night, we watched Timothy while Jason and Mittu went out, and Mittu put together homemade pizza before she left.

Making s'mores

3. Out-of-the-ordinary food. Besides the ones already mentioned, I made chicken and dumplings one night. I don’t often because it’s a little involved, plus makes a lot for just the two of us. (I don’t make it for the whole family because Mittu and Timothy are gluten-intolerant. I’ve wondered if the dumplings would hold up with GF flour.) One cool night, chicken and dumplings seemed like just the thing. I made a half-recipe, and it was still a lot, but we’ve almost finished it off.

Chicken and dumplings

Then one morning, I wanted something different for breakfast besides my usual weekday oatmeal and indulged in some French toast.

And I used the Crumbl gift card received on my birthday and indulged in their Pumpkin Chocolate Chip cookie. So good!

4. A new great grand nephew, the first of a new generation. I had to look online to see what my husband’s niece’s son’s child would be called in relation to us. šŸ™‚

5. A Hobby Lobby excursion to me is like a kid’s outing at a park. šŸ™‚ I needed some fall stems, scrapbooking paper, and a few other items, and had a gift card to get them with.

6. Bonus: Off-season clothes readily available. I used to keep them in boxes and felt I needed to wash them out before putting them in the closet. Now they’re down the hall in the guest room closet, and it’s easy to garb them when needed.

What are some good things from your week?

11 thoughts on “Friday’s Fave Five

  1. This is a great list of blessings!! Love the pic of Timothy roasting a marshmallow!

    All of the food sounds good. I STILL haven’t been to our Cookie Crumbl here in town. It’s always packed.

    Your husband is a keeper…..kudos to him for doing all of the shopping.

    I too spent some money at Hobby Lobby this week to decorate our front porch. EVERYTHING i bought was 40-50% off!! SCORE!


  2. Great photo of Timothy. He is growing up so, that I hardly recognize him. The chicken and dumplings look delicious. Such a great idea for a fall meal. I love Hobby Lobby, too, it’s like going to the candy store. I really have to be careful. Fall is a great time to go! Enjoy your weekend, Barbara.

  3. Your list is just so satisfying to read — all good things! I too love this time of year. I’ve enjoyed today — lunch with a friend and a mystery shop for dinner tonight (no cooking day!) and tomorrow (lunch with a friend and card-making).

  4. Wow. Your husband is just one homerun after another this week. And s’mores tabletop oven as well?

    Some GF flour do really well for recipes like dumplings. I like the Bob’s Red Mill “1 to 1 Baking Flour” for most things. King Arthur’s all purpose GF is also good, though more expensive and harder to find for me.

    Shopping with gift cards is fun, isn’t it? There’s a HL not too far from my house and though I’m not crafty, I’m paying attention to their sales cycle for various things. Glad you got an outing to your happy place šŸ™‚

    And thanks for the link to Delish recipes. I usually go for thinner chops to avoid overcooking when I pan fry them. The ingredients in the recipe you linked sounds really tasty.

  5. Rick always did the shopping, he loved it and I hated it. The only problem was, we were two and he bought for 20 people (lol) always too much and when I gave him my list, he bought all kind of things I hadn’t asked for and not that what I wanted ! Now I have to do my shopping myself, but in one month I will be the princess of a castle and have nothing to do anymore ! I count the days, I don’t like to stay alone here in the apartment.
    Timothy has grown !! Like Toby he is taller than me !

  6. We have Cookie Crumbl in our little town! And we know one of the high schoolers who works there—but we haven’t been yet! Good reminder!
    Love that photo of Timothy making s’mores.
    My hubby does almost all the grocery shopping. I really do appreciate that–as I know you do, too.
    Enjoy your beautiful autumn weekend.

  7. I’ve been hearing lots about the great cookies at this Cookie Crumbl. I don’t think there is any in my part of Canada but maybe I’ll check out the big city next time we go. Fun pic of Timothy roasting marshmallows. What great memories he is going to have of his childhood. Hubby helps me out with grocery shopping too and it’s a great blessing on overwhelming weeks. I do a Hungarian version of chicken and dumplings and it’s one of my most favorite comfort foods.

  8. Your husband sounds like such a wonderful man! As I read your words, I’m reminded that I got a great one too. Not everyone has received this particular blessing so I’m very grateful we have.

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