Friday’s Fave Fives

Friday's Fave Five

Thanksgiving week, of all weeks, should be easy to come us with five favorites, right? I’m joining in with Susanne and friends at Living to Tell the Story to encourage looking for the good things, large or small, from each week.

1. Thanksgiving. I could do a whole Friday’s Fave Five on this one day. We had a veritable feast. Everyone contributed with food, preparation, and clean-up. We enjoyed family time, rest time, conversation, and games. And we had time to concentrate on what we were thankful for with our Thanksgiving tree.

2. Thanksgiving activities. In the past couple of years, I’ve gotten a tablecloth for the holidays that included puzzles, mazes, and pictures to color. I didn’t look for one in time this year, but Skip to My Lou had some free printable Thanksgiving place mats I used (She has tons of neat holiday ideas). Even though I just printed them off on 8 1/2 by 11″ paper, not really big enough for place mats, they still worked. Then, several weeks ago I found a “build a turkey” game and a kit of foam cats and dogs with different props (some got put on our Thanksgiving tree above) marked down at Hobby Lobby. Different ones of us sat down with Timothy before and after the meal, coloring or assembling.

3. Jim’s one-month post-op appointment. The surgeon was pleased with his progress and said the remaining discomfort and issues he’s still dealing with are normal and should resolve soon.

4. Family Face Time. Jeremy lives out-of-state and couldn’t be with us on Thanksgiving. He had plans with friends on Thanksgiving Day, so over the weekend we had a Face Time call with the whole family. It’s so neat that can be done with multiple people at one time.

5. A new way to do meatloaf. Sometimes it’s the little things. 🙂 For the past few years, I’ve made meatloaf in the microwave. But this time I wanted to do baked potatoes at the same time in the oven. While looking up how long to bake the meatloaf, I ran across this recipe for shaping the meat on a foil-covered sheet pan instead of a loaf pan. I had always wondered at the wisdom of the meat bubbling in it’s own juices in a loaf pan (even the leanest ground beef still has some fat). I tried this idea with my own recipe and loved the way it turned out. Plus the foil made for easy clean-up. I’ll be making meatloaf this way from now on.

How was your week?

5 thoughts on “Friday’s Fave Fives

  1. It sounds as if your Thanksgiving Day was lovley, Barbara. I’m so glad that you and Jim have some of your kids close by that you can all be together.

    Great news about Jim’s one month follow-up! Praising the Lord with you.

    Thank you for the meatloaf tip. I’ve checked out the link you included and I have pinned that recipe as a reminder of it!

  2. It sounds like a wonderful Thanksgiving and I love the idea of the Thankful Tree and placemats. I hope you have a wonderfully relaxing weekend.

  3. I love the idea of the thanksgiving tree. Those cats on the tree are so cute.
    Your dinner–oh my. It must have been wonderful.
    Good to hear that Jim is recovering ‘normally’.
    Have a good weekend!

  4. I smile whenever I read or hear about remembering to be thankful this time of year. Five Faves is a great habit for year-round gratefulness!

    I love your Thanksgiving tree. A way to share and remember in a fun and tangible way. Pleased to hear Jim is healing on schedule.

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