Friday’s Fave Five

Well, friends, it has been a rough week.

I mentioned last week that our hot water heater had died. We’re still without a hot water heater.

I mentioned having a couple of infected sores on one leg. Sunday morning, the area under the sores was red for a few inches. I kept an eye on it, planning to call my doctor in the morning. But by mid-afternoon, the redness had wrapped around my lower leg. So we went to the ER, where I was diagnosed with cellulitis, given an IV antibiotic, and sent home with a prescription antibiotic to take in addition to the one I was on.

We were in the ER five hours, mostly in the waiting room. They were so full, they’d call me back to take a blood sample or whatever and then send me back out to the waiting room. I noticed a lot of both patients and staff wearing masks. I asked one nurse if they were seeing an upsurge in Covid. She said yes, that and flu and RSV.

I don’t know why I didn’t think to ask for a mask or remember I had some at the bottom of my purse.

Monday morning, I started having a sore throat and runny nose.

Tuesday afternoon, I had a follow-up visit with my primary care doctor, where I was diagnosed with Covid.

The triple antibiotics are negatively affecting my digestive system, to put it lightly. (I’m taking probiotics. Yogurt actually makes it worse.)

Then Jim developed a bad cold, but thankfully tested negative for Covid.

So . . . not the best of weeks. And I’ve had my share of whiny moments. But I’m thankful for this regular exercise Susanne hosts at Living to Tell the Story, where we take time to look for five blessings in the week. Sometimes they are harder to find; sometimes it seems like the bad outweighs the good. But they are always there. And it helps to remember that good is happening and to be thankful for it.

1. My son and daughter-in-law brought over three meals for us.

2. Friends have texted or messaged me to see how I am doing and assured me of their prayers.

3. Medicine. One of our former pastors used to say God can work with medicine, without medicine, or in spite of medicine. πŸ™‚ I’m praying He would do just that. I look at medicines as His tools. Even though I am appalled at having to take so much, I am thankful we have them.

4. Sunshine. Most of this week, the sky has looked almost as dark as the photo at the top. I don’t mind rainy days so much, as we need them. But when the dark clouds just hang around for days, I wish they’d go ahead and rain and get it over with. Thursday has been a mostly sunny day, and that makes such a difference in one’s mood and outlook.

5. Carb substitutes. We’re both trying to watch our carbs and sugar these days. We already used rice cauliflower in place of rice sometimes, and “zoodles” made of zucchini for spaghetti noodles (better fresh that frozen). Mittu made a dish over the holidays that used gnocchi made from cauliflower rather than potatoes. It was really good, so I asked if they could grab a bag of it the next time they went to Trader Joe’s. They got that as well as noodles made of kohlrabi.

We’d sure appreciate your prayers for healing.

Have a good weekend!

23 thoughts on “Friday’s Fave Five

  1. Oh Barbara! No hot water yet?? Bummer. I’ve been praying for you and I’m glad that your family are near to help. And also glad that Jim has tested negative.
    I’ve been tempted to try the riced veggies. I want to eliminate more carbs from my diet as well.
    Get better, my friend. We have a lunch to go to. Please let me know if you need anything.

    • The riced cauliflower is especially good in soups and stir-fry. Can’t really tell a difference. Not so good in casseroles, because it doesn’t absorb liquids like rice does, so they end up soupy. Could possibly use less liquid. Sometimes I’ve combined the riced cauliflower with regular rice for that purpose. We don’t often have plain rice as a side dish, but when we do, Jim likes the cauliflower that way. I like to mix it with regular rice.

  2. Well DARN on the cellulitis — I’ve known a few people to get that, and it’s just yuck (my good friend’s was also on her leg). I’m glad you got on IV antibiotics quickly to knock it out. And Covid too? Seems like you should be eligible for some type of prize … I’m with you on trying to cut my carbs. I am fine with the riced cauliflower, and I’ve enjoyed zoodles too — although I seem to enjoy them more at restaurants than the ones I attempt to make πŸ™‚ I’ll have to look for the cauliflower gnocchi at TJoe’s. Thanks! I’ll pray for recovery and for hot water soon too —

    • I’ve had cellulitis before, but it was a smaller area and an angry red. I guess because this was a sore first, it’s kind of gross-looking.

      Thanks so much for the prayers–much needed and appreciated.

  3. Barbara! What a week. I’m sorry you’ve gotten sick on top of the antibiotic side effects and having no hot water.

    So good to have family near and thoughtful to help out with meals and ideas for food substitutes. Praying for your full recovery and rebuilding of your digestive system.

  4. You have definitely had a doozie of a week, but I am thankful you have the medicine you need…just sorry it is messing with your digestive system in such a negative way. Thankful for your daughter-in-law who always comes to the rescue for you when there’s a need.

  5. Cellucitis AND covid in one week! Oh Barbara I am going to add you to my daily prayer list. I pray God’s strength, protection against any more side effects from those meds, and for complete healing from the top of your head to the tips of your toes.

    How wonderful that your family brought over some meals for you.

    stay cozy in the house and please know that there’s someone in NY praying for you. Keep us posted.

  6. Still no hot water and being sick on top of that. What a week. But I love your attitude. Yes, there is still much to be thankful for.
    It is so sweet that your son and dil brought meals for you. I’d have expected nothing less from Mittu.
    Prayers for you and Jim to heal quickly, with, without, in spite of, because of medicines.

  7. Oh goodness it sounds like you’ve had a horrible week but good that you have family bringing you meals and friends looking out for you. I hope by now you’re starting to see some improvement with the cellulitis and that the Covid isn’t too bad. I also hope you get the hot water situation sorted soon. Being ill is hard enough without domestic issues to sort out too. Hope you have a restful weekend.

  8. I am sorry to hear how sick you have been. There are so many things going around. Good that your husband did not get sick and that you are getting help with meal. I need to get back on track with eating and exercise. I will keep you in prayer. Get lots of rest.

  9. Oh No!! I’m sorry to hear you got Covid and Cellulitus! Sometimes it seems as if you can’t win for trying. The school where I work had so many teachers absent with Covid and a bad stomach bug (I had the stomach bug) that we had to close at 3:00 instead of 5:30 on Friday. I hope you are feeling better soon. Sending out prayers for you.

  10. That really is a bad week, Barbara! I’m so sorry you’ve been hit with so many health issues all at once. I hope they clear up as quickly as possible. Jeff and I both got covid again last month.

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