Friday’s Fave Five

Friday's Fave Five

I often remark how the week has flown by, but this one seemed faster than most. I often keep a running list of what to include in each week’s Friday’s Fave Fives. Somehow I didn’t this week, and I am scrambling to remember what actually happened. 🙂 That’s one of many things this exercise is good for: encouraging us to stop, consider, remember, and be thankful. I’m grateful for our hostess, Susanne, at Living to Tell the Story.

1. Strands, another once-a-day game from the NY Times in the same family as Wordle and Connections. It’s sort of like Boggle or Ruzzle in that you find words in a grid of several letters. But each letter is only used once, and all the words have a common theme. Jesse, my youngest son, introduced me to it. I like these things not only because they’re fun, but they’re good brain exercise.

2. Taco or pita holders. My husband made these with his 3-D printer. I told him he should make more and sell them on Etsy.

The one on the right holds two, or it can be turned over to hold three.

3. Another quiet week. Some of the spring-break-canceled activities were back this week, but otherwise, there were no events or appointments til this weekend. I enjoy activities once I’m actually there, but I *love* quiet weeks. I’ve got some medical appointments over the next three weeks and had several earlier this year, so it was nice to have a couple of appointment-free weeks.

4. Our writing critique group. I may have mentioned this before. We meet every other week via Zoom and take turns offering our edits and critiques on one person’s work each session. Then we added a fifteen minute free-time extension for those who could stay just to talk about writing or publishing, ask questions, etc. I’m so inspired by the discussions, no matter whose work we’re discussing.

5. Prayer. Some in our church are going through rough times. It’s such a blessing not only to pray for them, but to hear the care and concern as people ask about them.

And that’s a wrap for this week! How was yours?

10 thoughts on “Friday’s Fave Five

  1. I had a quiet week too — love those! The taco/pita holders are clever; kudos to Jim. I too know several people going through a lot now and needing prayer, more than usual. Prayers going up for all going through hard times!

  2. I’m glad you found a group where you can share writing ideas and get pointers. It must be such an inspiration.

    It’s been a quiet week for me too and I’m wracking my brain for my own FFF post.

    I like those taco holders. Yes, Jim should make some and sell them! Very handy.

  3. LOL! That’s the way most of my weeks go… I can’t always remember the wonderful “little” things that happen and that is upsetting to me because I know the Lord puts things into each of my days to admire and enjoy! I am still in the workforce so this week has been ever so long to me. 

    Yes, Your hubby should make more of those taco trays and put them on etsy! 

    Prayer… I have a new journal going and there are many (besides my own needs) that need prayer. I love that at work I am known for prayer and people come to me and ask me to pray for certain situations.

    Enjoyed visiting you here today! Have a blessed weekend!

  4. The taco and pita holders are so nice!! Yes he should market those!!

    I love quiet weeks. …I’m having an end of the week quiet week and it’s nice to not have appointments or places I “Have” to go to.

    The power of prayer is always a blessing. I’ve felt the prayers of God’s people… sisters in Christ…..this week.

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend….OH….when you talked about Strands, I clicked on it and did today’s. At first I didn’t quite get it but apparently I found the Yellow word so that’s cool! I already play connections most days and wordle a lot. Thanks for telling us about Strands!!

  5. I totally relate to the “what happened” effect of a busy or even not-busy week. I started keeping a journal of activities and random thoughts as well as to-do lists that’s helped me from those “what happened” moments.

    I love the way your family share games with each other – another point of connection.

    3D printers seem to be game-changers for those with inventive ideas. Love your husband’s!

    Your writing group sounds like such a blessing and a productive place for conversations and ideas.

  6. You writing group sounds great! Yes, I agree that you should put your taco and pita holders on Etsy. What a great idea! So glad that you are part of a kind, caring and praying church family. Have a good weekend. See you again soon. 

  7. I am so very late getting around to comment on FFFs. Traveling keeps me from my laptop and coming home keeps me busy… I hope your Palm Sunday was good.

    Quiet weeks are good, too.

    Jim’s creations amaze me!


  8. Jeff and I have begun playing Strands in the past couple of weeks too! I love adding it to our nightly list of games. 🙂 Sometimes it’s hard for us to figure out, but the “hints” feature takes care of that. Wordle may still be my favorite though. Well, and Sudoku. That’s the one I play on my own.

  9. Those taco/pita holders do look like a thing that would sell on etsy. Strands sounds fun. I’ll have to look it up. Glad you had a quieter week.

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