Friday’s Fave Five

Friday's Fave Five

It’s been a rainy, overcast, dreary week. That kind of weather can get me down a bit when it lasts so long. That’s one reason it’s important to deliberately look for the blessings in the week. They’re there, but they can be overshadowed by gloom if we let them. I join up with Susanne and friends at Living to Tell the Story to look for five good things from the week just past.

1. Dinner at Jesse‘s, my youngest son. He made chili, Mittu made gluten-free cornbread, and I made gluten-free blondies. We got to see the progress he had made in setting up his new house. And Jim and Jason helped him set up his wall-mounted TV. Then we all played Jackbox games on it.

2. The eclipse. Jim, Jason, and Timothy drove six or so hours to Sidney, OH, to view the eclipse. Jim’s main motivation was that Timothy be able to see it. We had seen the one in 2017, but Timothy was only three then and didn’t remember much. They had safe travels, clear skies, and good weather. Jim brought a couple of his telescopes so they could see the progression on screen.

Telescope at eclipse

He got some neat pictures with the telescope as well. Here’s just one:


They went to a hotel that night, with Jim using the last of the hotel reward points he had accumulated from work. They enjoyed the pool, then drove back the next day.

Back at home here in TN, this was all I got of the eclipse, in a short break in the clouds. 🙂 So I was glad the guys got a fuller experience.

Eclipse in clouds

3. Jeremy in Montreal. My oldest son in RI took a few days off and drove to Montreal to see the eclipse. He had not ever really taken a vacation beyond coming to see us or going camping with friends, so he thought this would be a good time to travel and explore. He went on a walking tour the first day, which I thought was a great way to start (and it was only $5). Among other things, he went to the “Aura Experience,” a kind of light and music show, at the Notre Dame Basilica and walked up 339 steps to the Mount Royal Park, which overlooks the city. He regaled us with photos and text comments about the places he visited. It was fun to experience it with him in that way.

4. Tax refund. Jim did our taxes this week, and for the first time in years, we’re getting a refund.

5. Tooth extractions are no fun, but getting it over with is helpful. This particular tooth has been a problem for a long time and had about everything done to it that can be done. It had a root canal, crown, and bridge, then got a cavity underneath all that somehow. There was some question about whether it would support another root canal or whether it should be extracted. In the meantime, it got infected again. So we made the decision to remove it. That was done Thursday afternoon, and they said it went as well as it could have. I’m still numb at the moment, a couple of hours after the procedure, but taking it easy for a couple of days.

6. Bonus: the dogwoods around town have been blooming, but our backyard ones are just getting started.

Pink dogwoods blooming

I wrote this on Thursday afternoon. Now, Friday morning, the sun is out! And should be all day!

Have a great weekend!

14 thoughts on “Friday’s Fave Five

  1. What a great thing for Timothy and his grandpa to do! Quite an adventure. And it’s great that Jeremy was able to go to Montreal for a short break as well. Jesse must have felt very proud to show off his accomplishments in the house and for you all to get together. Family time is the best.

    I’m glad you have the tooth extraction over with. I’m praying no complications.

  2. The eclipse here in the eastern Adirondack mountains was simply amazing…total eclipse!! Your son got a great pic and how awesome to own that telescope! I’m glad timothy got to experience this.

    I’ve had a tooth removed (two actually) but could only afford a bridge for one. So I still have a gap where the other one was infected…..but i learned to cope with it. I’m glad you are recovering well.

    I love sunny days…we’ve had rain and dreariness Wed through today although supposedly the sun will come out tomorrow!

    Oh i just LOVE Montreal. Sadly, I’ve only spent one day and night there (we were on our way to Rome Italy) but my daughters both went in junior high with their French classes. And my youngest went with a college friend on one of their vacations. I would love to go back and do a walking tour.

    Your flowering trees are so pretty…you’re ahead of us by a couple of weeks I think.

    Have a restful, enjoyable weekend!

  3. We had storms yesterday but today the sun is shining. Temps are cooler. Very nice weather except for the strong breeze. Hummingbirds are enjoying the flowers and that makes me happy. Have a blessed weekend! 🙂

  4. I checked out the recipe for the gluten-free blondies. They sound really good and I have everything I need to give them a try at some point. Thank you for sharing the link.

    Glad that Timothy was able to enjoy the experience with his dad and granddad of seeing the eclipse. 

    Sounds like Jeremy had a wonderful time while he was in Montreal. That’s great!

    I’m sorry about the tooth extraction, but I totally understand. I had one that had to be extracted last fall.

  5. That is super cool that some of your guys got to see the eclipse and with some cool equipment beyond glasses 🙂 But your photo through the clouds is fantastic.

    Hurray for a tax refund!

    Hurray your extraction is behind you! Hope you have an uncomplicated recovery.

    Enjoy your sunshine today.

  6. Hi Barbara, I wrote a long post and lost it.
    Good that you are getting a refund.
    We got one too and it is spent already.
    We are saving for our vacation.
    I need to learn to make some gluten free
    low sugar desserts. Enjoy your weekend!

  7. The tooth extraction sounds awful. I could not do it without being knocked out. How fun your family got to see the eclipse. I didn’t see anything on a cloudy day in Wisconsin, but my daughter lives right on the path and saw everything.

  8. Sounds like a good week with many blessings. So glad that your family could view the eclipse. We only a 50% partial here in Utah, but we saw an almost total eclipse last fall in Southern Utah and it was pretty cool. It’s good that you got your dental work done and that it went OK. Much good in this post. I hope you have a good weekend! See you again soon!

  9. What a great memory that trip and experience will be for Timothy as later on he thinks back of what he did with his dad and grandpa.

    Those are great photos, too.

    My favorite part of a visit to the dentist is when it is over. I’m glad you are done with that part of the extraction.

    Enjoy ALL the sunshine! We are sunny [but windy] here today too (Saturday).


  10. Glad Timothy got to see the full eclipse. Jeff and my s-i-l Trey also drove six hours to see it. I just watched it from Huntsville. We were maybe 85% here; it was still amazing! Congrats on getting a tax refund. That must have been a nice surprise. We had to pay both federal and state, but not too surprised. We’re having to learn how all this works now that Jeff is retired yet makes money with his hobbies. Your dogwoods are beautiful. I wish we had more in our yard.

  11. I’m not sure if Jackbox is what we used, but a year or so ago at a holiday, at a sister and brother-in-law’s house, we played games where everyone used their phones and results were on the TV. It was fun! What a nice photo of the eclipse — I wasn’t thinking I cared much, but I ended up going about an hour south with my husband and I have to say it was pretty cool. My husband retired a few years ago and yes, I too miss the points he earned on work travel, which we used on vacation for hotels. Several times I’ve marveled over just how much $ we can spend on a single tooth — ack!! I’m glad you don’t have to worry about this particular one anymore, and pray you’ll hardly miss it once it has healed up.

  12. How lovely that Timothy got to see the eclipse properly. Hope by now you are recovered from the tooth extraction. Refund from the tax man? That’s a result!

  13. How fun for Timothy to experience the eclipse and so cool to see it on a screen too. Yay for tax refunds! Hope you are feeling much better from your tooth extraction by now. 

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