April Reflections

April Reflections

There are some months I’m glad to finish. January is one, especially this year. But I am not so eager to get through April. I’ve loved the more moderate temperatures between the cold of winter and heat of summer. And seeing the landscape fill with color and life again is heartening.

Nevertheless, time marches on!


Someone asked Jim recently if he had adjusted to retirement. He said there always seemed to be plenty to do, and much of it was a lot more physical than his regular job.

Jim, Jason, Mittu, and Timothy went camping right at the end of last month. Jesse and I joined them for lunch and dinner one day.

Then Jim, Jason, and Timothy drove to OH to see the eclipse. Jeremy, in RI, drove to Montreal for the same reason and made a weekend of it, exploring the city. Cloud cover prevented our seeing much here in Knoxville, but I caught a brief glimpse through a break in the clouds. We were all texting each other leading up to and during the eclipse.

We celebrated Timothy’s tenth birthday. It’s hard to believe it’s been ten years since he entered the world as a 3 lb. preemie. Now he’s almost as tall as I am.

The lowest part of the month was a tooth extraction for me. But the procedure and recovery went much better than expected.

Overall, we had a nice blend of activities and rest, and enjoyed dinners at each others houses and other get-togethers. We also enjoyed a school play of “Winnie the Pooh” and dinner at a Mexican food restaurant afterwards.


I only made one card this month, for Timothy’s birthday:

Ten year old birthday card

The “Happy birthdays” were embossed with the Cuttlebug. The 10 was made with the Cricut machine.


Jim and I watched Damsel on Netflix, kind of a twist on the fairy tale trope. It starts like a fairy tale: a king running out of money arranges for his oldest daughter to marry the prince of a neighboring kingdom. The prince seems nice enough, so the daughter agrees. The stepmother (not evil this time) senses something wrong and tries to advise against the marriage, but she doesn’t have any concrete reason enough to stop it. I won’t spoil the twist, but the “damsel in distress” ends up having to rescue herself. We started watching it mainly because we liked Millie Bobby Brown so much in the Enola Holmes movies as Sherlock Holmes’ little sister. An added treat was that the queen was played by Robin Wright, who was Buttercup in The Princess Bride. Damsel was a little heavy on the girl-power theme, and gory in a few spots (which you’d expect when fighting dragons). But overall we enjoyed it.

One night when was Jim was camping, I watched the Barbie movie, mainly due to nostalgia. Barbies were my main toys. In fact, my family nickname is Barbie. I thought that came from the doll until I learned she came on the market when I was four. So maybe Barbie was a common nickname then.

I had one of the iconic first Barbies in the black and white striped swimsuit. If I still had it now, it would probably be worth a lot of money! But I gave all of that stuff to my four sisters, so I’m sure none of it survived all those years.

Since I was on the early end of the Barbie craze, I was totally unaware of all the variations and accessories that came later.

The film had a couple of offensive comments. And there was a heavy feminist slant.

But there was also an underlying theme about become “real” (although the narrator had a funny line about trading the plastic of Barbieland for the plastic of L.A., so maybe not totally real after all).

The worst and most disturbing part, to me, was the opening scene, Little girls playing “house” with their baby dolls until the new large-than-life Barbie arrives on the scene. Then they start crashing their baby dolls against the ground while a smiling Barbie looks on, to the tune of the opening music of 2001: A Space Odyssey. I’d never seem that movie, but I’ve read it opens in a similar way: an ape-like creature using another creature’s thigh bone to smash the other bones in the desert. I read somewhere that this was supposed to show that one of the first steps of evolution was to create a weapon. Then the next scene showed a space ship, which, I suppose, is meant to show how far man had evolved. But since I’ve heard that the ship computer goes rogue, maybe it’s saying that man hasn’t evolved very far after all, for all his neat inventions. Or else AI’s next step in evolution is creating a weapon (a scary thought).

Not knowing all that, Barbie’s opening scene seemed at first like an anti-motherhood rant (although later a character concedes that motherhood is okay of that’s what you want). But maybe it’s just meant to show that girls “evolved” beyond baby dolls to more grown-up dolls. I read a comment that this scene was also supposed to show that when Barbie came on the scene, she “smashed” the baby doll industry (although during my entire life, I have always seen baby dolls still for sale).

Also, after the “It’s so hard to be a woman” speech, I thought someone could write how hard it is to be a man in this era as well, especially one in Barbieland.

Anyway. . . enough Barbie philosophizing. 🙂


Since last time I finished:

I’m currently reading:

  • Be Satisfied (Ecclesiastes): Looking for the Answer to the Meaning of Life by Warren W. Wiersbe, nonfiction
  • The Lazy Genius Way: Embrace What Matters, Ditch What Doesn’t, and Get Stuff Done by Kendra Adachi, nonfiction
  • Lenten Lands: My Childhood with Joy Davidman and C. S. Lewis by Douglas H. Gresham, nonfiction
  • Now and Then and Always by Melissa Tagg, fiction, audiobook
  • Yours Is the Night by Amanda Dykes, fiction


Besides the weekly Friday Fave Fives, Saturday Laudable Linkage, and book reviews, I’ve posted these since last time:


Our critique group will finish its current round through everyone’s turn presenting this week, and we’re gearing up to start a new round.

I did actually get some writing/revising in last month! I hope to do more in the future.

How was your April?

(I often link up with some of these bloggers.)

14 thoughts on “April Reflections

  1. I’m glad to get your take on the Barbie movie. I never watched it but had heard a lot of good and bad press. Based on your thoughts, I still don’t think I’ll watch it.

    Lenten Lands is good and I’m towards the end. I have a couple of your recommendations waiting for me on Kindle Unlimited.

    Timothy has sure had a great month with a birthday and camping and seeing the eclipse.

    Happy May. I hope it’s as nice for you as April was!

  2. Your card turned out great! We had a lovely April too though our weather is really reluctant to truly warm up. We’re making the most of the nice weather days though and getting out and about a lot more. I wasn’t a huge fan of the Barbie movie for many of the same scenes and things you mentioned but did think it was alright and very heavy on the girl power. I’ll have to give Damsel a try.

  3. April is such a pleasant month (mainly thinking of the advent of spring), I’m in no hurry to leave it either. My husband has felt similar to Jim — he is not bored in retirement! I had a laugh over your Barbie movie thoughts. I haven’t seen it, but from the little I’ve read I think I’ll be passing. I too enjoyed playing with Barbies in childhood though 🙂 Timothy in double digits?! Love your card.

  4. You created such a lovely birthday card for Timothy! I feel like April went way to fast which is probably why I feel I wasn’t ready for it to be over. But, time truly does march on and hopefully May will be a lovely month too!

  5. Love the card you made!! You had a nice month!

    I’m SO not into movies like Barbie. Then again I was the younger baby boom generation and although my parents let us have barbies (all 3 of my younger sisters and I had them) we were more inclined to be outdoors doing much more creative play like ”bakery” with acorns, pinecones, sand, hiking all over, etc. And I was a mom (1993, 1998) that didn’t allow barbies for my daughters. I didn’t want the stereotypical gender based toys and definitely NOT barbies. We bought them baby dolls of every race: White, Black, Asian, Native American, and Mexican/Hispanic. Those dolls came with all kinds of outfits. And of course they each had an American Girl Doll. My mother in law gave them each one along with the outfits and accessories (she sewed from pattersn she got online at the American Girl Doll store in NYC). I don’t think the patterns exist anymore. I would buy the furniture, etc at AC Moore and paint it, stencil it, etc. 

    I’ve been wanting to see Damsel as we LOVED the Enola Holmes movies. And we enjoyed her in Stranger Things (we only saw the first 2 seasons…wasn’t really my thing).

    I loved April but here in NYS we had a lot of rainy days to make up for the no snow winter. Now the last week has been perfect Spring weather and May is starting out beautiful. 

  6. Oh, I love April, too. Always a temperate month here with maybe a chance of showers, plants greening up or beginning to flower. Love it.

    You got quite a bit of reading done! I’m intrigued by the Damsel movie. My parents have Netflix and sometimes Mom and I will have something on (like the Enola series) while we cook.

    I’m unlikely to watch it, so appreciate your take on the Barbie movie. 2001 Space Odyssey is a strange book. I’ve only seen snippets of the film, my favorite parts of the space stewardess outfits 😉 and seeing what 1968 thought 2001 travel would look like.

    • The only thing I knew about 2001: A Space Odyssey was the exchange about opening the pod bay doors and the computer, HAL, refusing to do so. Your comment is making me curious to see it now!

      Jason and Mittu thought Damsel went a bit overboard with the girl power thing, but I liked it.

  7. I can’t believe Timothy turned 10! I recall the many times you’ve shared Timothy-isms and made me chuckle. What a lovely card.

    Thanks so much for sharing your April Share 4 Somethings with Sweet Tea & Friends this month dear friend.

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