Laudable Linkage

Laudable Linkage

Here’s my latest roundup of good reads found online:

Courage for Those with Unfatherly Fathers. HT to Challies. “This is our Heavenly Father. Though our earthly dads were meant to reflect him, he in no way mirrors them. Take courage, and run with abandon to the open arms of your Father.”

Should Ethnicity and Race Never Cross Our Minds When We Meet Another Believer? “The notion of being ‘colorblind’ doesn’t lend itself to oneness but to blindness. It suggests that if we recognize or admit differences, we would be forced to say some are better than others. No, we should recognize the differences and celebrate that God’s image-bearers come in all shapes and sizes and colors, and we are the beneficiaries of His providence in creating us this way.”

4 Reasons You Shouldn’t Be Colorblind. This was referenced in the above post but was so good I wanted to list it separately. “I’d like to suggest that we aren’t colorblind, we don’t need to be colorblind, and we actually should strive to not be colorblind. Colorblindness leads us in the wrong direction. Instead, I want to encourage us to be colorsmart.Here are four reasons why.”

Theology and the Eclipse. “An eclipse is more than a cool phenomenon of nature. It is an extra gift that God built into the structure of the universe to arrest the attention of humans amid their busy little ant-like activities long enough to listen to creation’s silent, speechless declaration of the Creator’s glory (Ps 19:3).”

What to Expect When a Loved One Enters Hospice. “With a million and a half people in the U.S. receiving hospice care annually, many families will walk this troubling road, suffering doubts and heartache along the way. How do we shepherd caregivers and families as they aim to love the dying? How do we walk with them through the valley of the shadow of death, reminding them all the while of the Good Shepherd whose love covers them when the light dwindles (Ps. 23:4)?”

Lessons Learned from a Wolf Attack, HT to Challies. “Some of the most painful lessons of ministry are learned when a wolf in sheep’s clothing infiltrates your church. We had a wolf once, a local man I’ll call Ahab*, and it has taken me years to know how to write about it. The things we learned from exposing him, trying to counter him, and then responding to the carnage he caused have been forever branded on my soul.”

It’s Okay to Be a Two-Talent Christian. “There is no shame in being a one-talent servant when God gave you one-talent ability. There is no need to compare yourself unfavorably to those who have achieved more success on the basis of their greater gifts. And that’s because God’s assessment of you is made on the basis of what you did with what he gave you.”

Hospitality Is not a Personality Trait. “If you limit your idea of hospitality to what can be flawlessly presented in social media squares, you’ll miss her: the woman who is more comfortable working a spreadsheet than a room full of people . . . the woman who is analytical and introverted and a hospitable force for the kingdom of God. “

Quite . . . Able to Communicate,” HT to Challies. A sweet story from Brother Andrew’s book, God’s Smuggler, about a time when he and his contacts didn’t speak the same language.

Robert Murray McCheyne

No amount of activity in the Father’s service
will make up for the neglect of the Father Himself.
– Robert Murray McCheyne

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