Friday’s Fave Five

Friday's Fave Five

It’s Friday once again—time to share the blessings of the week with Susanne and friends at Living to Tell the Story.

1. Time with Timothy. My son and daughter-in-law had a meeting that lasted all of Saturday morning, so they brought Timothy here. He and his granddad did some of the experiments from the National Geographic Completely Gross Chemistry Set Tim had gotten for his birthday. 🙂

Gross chemistry

Then they played games on their tablets, then made mini pizzas on gluten-free tortillas. Jason and Mittu came home just in time for lunch.

2. Lunch with Melanie. We usually get together every few weeks, but it had been two months since we last did. I had some Red Lobster gift cards, so we enjoyed good food and a nice long chat.

3. Bible Study. Our ladies’ Bible study ended its trek through Isaiah with a particularly good discussion. We have one more wrap-up meeting and potluck next week, then we’ll break for the summer.

4. Naps. Sunday afternoon naps are the best. 🙂 I’d actually rather not take them on other days, but sometimes that’s the difference between being functional or not the rest of the day.

5. Good books could be listed every week. I finished one recently that I am sure will be a favorite of the year, Whose Waves These Are by Amanda Dykes (linked to my review).

That’s my week—how was yours?

12 thoughts on “Friday’s Fave Five

  1. How nice that you and Melanie are close enough to enjoy each others company! 

    Napping is not something I can do. I am no good the rest of the day and don’t sleep well at night.

    I am adding this book to my good reads want to read list.

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  2. And thanks to you I now have an Amanda Dykes book waiting for me on my nightstand shelf! It will be a few weeks before I start it as I am in the middle of TWO fiction books (long story as to why that is. ) and a non fiction book plus my daily Bible study.

    I also had a wrap up of the small group I lead! Isn’t it great to be a part of a good women’s Bible study group? I can’t imagine NOT being in one! My best friendships have been formed because of them.

    How fun to meet up with Melanie (I also like her blog!) and do lunch and have a good long chat.

    I am guessing your grandson had a blast with his grandpa. I still can’t believe he’s into double digits now!

    Have a fabulous weekend

  3. Well I’ve tried to post my comment twice now on here and both times it failed. hopefully this time it takes.

    I found ONE Amanda Dykes book at the town library yesterday so grabbed it. I had never heard of her until I saw your review the other day. It will be a bit before i can start it as I’m in the middle of 2 others and have 2 others waiting before the Amanda one. hahah I go to the library once a week and just can’t help my self.

    How fun for Timothy to spend the day with his grandpa and you to have lunch with Melanie. I enjoy both yours and her blogs.

    I hope you have a fabulous weekend full of sunshine and good books

    • One comment went to the spam folder–I’m not sure why. I have one more Amanda Dykes book in my Kindle that I am looking forward to getting to. I hope it’s as good as the one I read.

  4. Hmmmm you have reminded me of Sunday afternoon naps — I used to take them a lot, but the church we attend (when I’m not playing organ) runs until 12:30 or later, and is 35 minutes from home. So by the time we eat lunch somewhere and get home, I often feel I don’t have time for one. Maybe soon I’ll schedule one 🙂 I LOVE the photo of Jim and Timothy! Nice that they can share scientific stuff.

  5. I followed your link to the chemistry set. My grandson would love something like that. He is a few years younger than Timothy, but perhaps in another year or so. He’s a very curious young boy, so I’m always looking for ideas.

    It’s nice that you and Melanie get together! As I told her, I would love to have a blogging friend to have lunch with in person.

    I also just followed your link to your book review. The book sounds wonderful!! I need to go find a copy:)

  6. I sure enjoyed our lunch too! Always a highlight of the month!

    Gross science experiments sound interesting! I hope there wasn’t much clean up afterward! LOL

    I was able to get that book with Kindle Unlimited so it’s in my TBR pile.

    Naps aren’t my favorite thing. I sometimes wake up feeling groggy and worse than when I lay down. But I agree, they often help me through the rest of the day!

    Have a great weekend.

  7. Time with grands (especially one on one) is so good for both. (I write this as I am watching my grandson mowing our lawn, having just had Sunday lunch with us) I love how grown up Timothy is.

    I will have to read your review of that book. Thanks!

    Lunch with good friends is always a fave.

    Have a good week! Willow

  8. Fun that you were finally able to get together with Melanie again. Friend time is definitely a blessing. How cool that Timothy and Jim have fun doing all that science-y stuff together.  I’ve never read Amanda Dykes. I’ll have to give her a try.

  9. You know, I’ve almost avoided your book reviews. They add too much to my electronic TBR! Now you’ve listed another author….

    Isaiah is a big book to study, for sure. Glad you had a good time learning together.

    Love that there’s always something interesting to engage Timothy on various visits.

    • I love adding to other people’s TBR lists. 😀 Mine will probably outlive me. But I figure, even if I never get to all the books on it, I’ll always have something to look forward to.

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