A Radio Interview This Week

Radio interview coming up

I received an invitation for a radio interview Wednesday, June 19, with Kurt and Kate Mornings on Moody Radio Florida. They want to discuss my post Life Doesn’t Always Turn Out Like We Thought It Would.

My segment will probably be around 8:15 a.m. ET, after their news and traffic report at 8.

The top of their program page has a “Listen Live” button. I’d love to have you tune in if you’re able and interested. I know some of you work then, and it’s early for those west of me.

Most of all, I’d appreciate your prayers that all would go well: that the technology would work with no glitches, that there won’t be any health issues, that God would give me what He wants me to say and help me not to blank out, and that He would be glorified and listeners would be ministered to.

Updated to add: my son recorded that interview for me and made it linkable. You can listen to it here if you’d like to.

11 thoughts on “A Radio Interview This Week

  1. Oooh, I’ll adjust my exercise time a bit so I can listen. Thanks for the heads up, and I’ll be praying that it goes well! I know I’ll enjoy listening.

  2. I’ve got it on my calendar as a reminder. You did so well last time and I know you’ll do very well this time. I’ll be praying!

  3. I will definitely be praying for you and your interview and I am hoping that I will be able to listen to it as well. We have an appointment that morning, but hopefully the interview will be over before we have to leave home.

  4. Pingback: Apologies and a Correction | Stray Thoughts

  5. What a great opportunity for you to share your wisdom and insights, Barbara! For those who want to listen but can’t tune in, I think Kurt and Kate typically put their interviews on their podcast a day or two after they air. When I was on with them a few months ago, I was able to share the interview that way. Can’t wait to listen and hear from you how it goes!

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