A Visit to The Ark Encounter

A few weeks ago, a friend of Jason and Mittu’s called to say he had five free adult tickets to The Ark Encounter in Williamstown, KY, and asked if they wanted them. They asked if we were interested in going, and then arranged to go on the weekend Mittu’s mom would be visiting so she could experience it, too. I’m not sure why their friend had these tickets, but we’re grateful for his generosity.

Children under ten got in free. The man at the door looked at us skeptically when we said Timothy was only 9. 🙂 But he didn’t question us.

If you’re not familiar with the Ark Encounter, it’s a life-sized replica of Noah’s ark built according to the dimensions in the Bible..

The Ark is a little over three hours away from us, so we drove in two separate cars. Jason and his family planned to stay overnight, but Jim and I came back that evening.

We met for lunch at Hansie Flip Burgers in Wlliamstown, not far from the Ark, Jason had looked up places nearby that had gluten-free options for Mittu and Timothy. It was kind of neat to visit a local place rather than a restaurant we’re used to. It’s in an area which is renovating a lot of old buildings. There were not a lot of choices on the menu–mainly just large and small burgers–but they were good. And their Hansie sauce was wonderful.

Hansie Flip Burgers

When we got done there, we headed over to the Ark. Thankfully, they had a shuttle bus from the parking spot to the Welcome center. We were able to find a parking spot not far from the shuttle.

The most impressive part of the whole day for me was walking up to the Ark itself and seeing how massive it was. Their web site says the structure is 510 feet long, 85 feet wide, and 51 feet high.

The Ark Encounter

This doesn’t give you the best idea of the scale, since we’re closer to the camera and look bigger. But if you look back to the Ark, you can see the tiny people on the ground and how they compare to the structure.

The Bible doesn’t tell us much about the ark itself besides the size and materials it was made of. We don’t know how Noah and his family managed the animals, food storage, waste products, etc. But those who built this Ark used their best guesses based on research of ancient history. They had a lot of signage indicating where they took artistic license.

The Ark has three levels filled with displays and information. They had life-sized displays of animals and cages, food storage, an indoor garden, Noah’s family and their imagined living quarters. Many of the animals looked unfamiliar but were based on fossil records.

Noah's family

Imagined living quarters of one of Noah’s sons and his wife.

Ark Encounter

The people looked quite realistic!

Animals in the Ark

Some of the animals were not like any we’re familiar with. The builders used fossil records to simulate animals that would have been around at the time. We saw part of one video while we were resting that showed how they did some of the art work and animal replicas. That was pretty interesting.

Cat family
Dog family

There was also an abundance of information on the walls: the story of creation, man’s fall, and the descent into violence and lawlessness that led to the flood; how big is a cubit; the difference between kinds of animals and species, and why that’s important; the after-effects of the flood, and so much more. I think we would have gotten much more from the experience if we had read more of the signage. I wish I had taken more pictures of it to read later.

Ark Encounter signs
Ark Encounter signs

We were there for almost four hours, I think. There was more we could have explored, but we were tired.

There were a lot of other attractions outside, but they were closed for the season. Jason and Mittu did take Timothy to a zoo area after Jim and I left.

There were also snack and gift areas on every floor, as well as lots of benches and restrooms.

Family at Ark Encounter

Timothy and his grandmothers taking a break. 🙂

We kind of joked about some of the modern-day amenities that would not have been on the original ark. But I was glad for air conditioning and elevators and other modern touches.

I have to confess, years ago, when we first heard the Ark was going to be built, we wondered if it was a wise use of money. It would be neat and interesting, yes. But would Christians’ donations be better invested in missions or education or evangelism?

But I think the Ark is both evangelistic and educational.

Ark sign

On the downside:

  • The Ark’s fees are incredibly high: $50 for adults, $40 for seniors, $30 for kids ages 11-17. Children under 10 are free. They had other price combinations if you’re staying for more than a day or going to the nearby Creation Museum as well. And parking is $15 per car. I don’t think we would have ever gone if we hadn’t had free tickets.
  • Jason and Mittu had been before and said the buffet there was a little expensive then, but manageable. This time, though, it was $20 per person (which is why we ate elsewhere).
  • It did seem awfully commercialized. Maybe that’s just a part of an attraction like this. I was thinking that a Christian fiction novel has to be an excellent story, or it’s message will fall flat. So this kind of venue probably has to have all the usual things that come with being an attraction to be taken seriously.
  • The shuttle brought us to the Welcome Center (which housed a large gift shop, coffee shop, etc.), and then we had to walk quite a ways to the Ark itself. I don’t know why they couldn’t have put the Welcome Center closer to the Ark, or taken the shuttle to the Ark rather than the Welcome Center, or provided another shuttle.
  • They had a lot of staff around to direct or answer questions. They were helpful when we did ask them something. But a couple of them over-directed us needlessly (telling us to go where we were already going, etc.). The people wanting to take a group photo (to try to sell you later) were the most pushy.
  • One video depicting a skeptical, derisive “reporter” asking Noah what he was up to did depict the attitude the people at the time had toward Noah. But it was done in a light, almost flippant way that, to Jim and me, took away from the message.

Overall, though, it was a good visit, and I am glad we went.

Timothy was a little droopy, and we thought he was just tired from picking up his other grandmother from the airport late the night before. His parents thought perhaps he was a little dehydrated and got some apple juice and water into him. That night, at the hotel, he developed a 102 degree temperature. We felt bad for him that he was coming down with something during the day. He had a low fever over the weekend and sniffles since then, but otherwise is ok now. I think he still enjoyed the visit.

Have you been to the Ark Encounter? What did you think?

Assorted Stray Thoughts

Stray Thoughts blog

Some of the things that have crossed my mind lately, some mundane, some not:

During the holidays, I heard a radio preacher complain about people who only came to church at Easter and Christmas. Wouldn’t it be better to capitalize on their coming and make a special effort to welcome them and share truth with them?

Why do so many main characters in novels have chestnut hair?

It’s almost two months past Christmas. But when I sweep, I still find pine needles.

The Internet seems to like blog posts that begin with numbers, as in X numbers of ways to do or celebrate or handle something. But honestly, I don’t look at posts if the number is above twelve or so. If you’ve got 25 or 100 things on a list, I might skim through them, but I am more inclined to skip the post.

The term “bucket list” arose as people planned for things they wanted to do before they die (coming from the term to “kick the bucket” as a euphemism for dying). So I am a little amused when I see someone refer to summer or vacation bucket lists.

In college and young adult years, I heard about time management. These days, though, we hear about productivity. I wonder when the emphasis shifted. Actually, I like “time management” better, because I am managing my time. “Productivity” seems more pressured, like I am not doing anything worthwhile if I am not producing something, even though all the productivity experts I’ve read include the need for rest.

Lent is one of those things that we do or not as unto the Lord. The Bible doesn’t tell us to observe it or not. Some people find it deeply meaningful. For myself, I don’t see anything in Scripture about giving up something for 40 days, so I don’t. But it does speak about fasting, and some who can’t fast from food for physical reasons might benefit from fasting something else.

I do, however, like to read something about Jesus’ death and resurrection in the days leading up to Easter. Sometimes I’ve read the passages in the gospels about that period. Other times, I’ve read books, like Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross: Experiencing the Passion and Power of Easter. and The Women of Easter: Encounter the Savior with Mary of Bethany, Mary of Nazareth, and Mary Magdalene by Liz Curtis Higgs. I haven’t decided whether to reread one of those or look for something else. But it strikes me that I don’t think there are nearly as many Easter/Lent devotionals as there are Advent and Christmas. Or maybe I just haven’t seen them. Any recommendations?

I’ve seen some say that we shouldn’t celebrate Valentine’s Day or Mother’s Day because we should be showing love and honor all year. That’s true. But the same is true of Thanksgiving, isn’t it? We should be grateful all year long, but having a day set aside especially for thankfulness reminds us of it. We’re happy to have certain people in our lives all the time, but we especially celebrate them on their birthdays.

I’ve always found it odd that in John’s gospel, he refers to himself as the disciple whom Jesus loved. For years I thought that sounded like he was elevating himself above the other disciples, which was puzzling. But he was also inspired by God to write what he did, so God must have had some reason to have him call himself that.

It’s only been recently that I realized that this was not an example of pride, but of humility. I don’t think John named himself in his whole book. He was just one of the ones whom Jesus loved.

I get tired of hearing that whether you see a glass as half full or half empty indicates your outlook on life. Just drink what’s in the glass already. 🙂

But lately I have thought of it this way. If you’ve just poured a glass of something, and all you wanted was half a glass, the glass is half full. If you had a full glass and drank from it already, the glass is half empty.

I wonder what philosophers would think of that. Am I the one overthinking, or are they? 🙂

Reading Challenge Wrap-Ups

I enjoy participating in reading challenges and sharing books I have enjoyed. Most of these challenges involve the type of books I would be reading anyway. The only difficulty comes in the time it takes for record-keeping. I haven’t decided yet which challenges I will participate in next year. But I can recommend any of these.

Most of the challenge hosts require a wrap-up post at the end of the year. I shared my Back to the Classics Challenge Wrap-Up, hosted by Karen at Books and Chocolate here. But I decided to include all the rest in one post so as not to be tedious for readers.

Bev at My Reader’s Block hosts the Mount TBR Reading Challenge. The idea is to read books you already owned before the start of this year. Bev has made levels in increments of twelve, each named after a mountain, and we’re to choose a level to shoot for. Even though I’ve reached Mt. Ararat (48 books) the last couple of years, I decided to play it safe and stick with Mt. Vancouver (36 books).

That turned out to be a wise decision as I just made it with 38 books. Instead of making a separate list, I marked the books in this category with (MTBR) on my list of all the books I read this year.

Shelly Rae at Book’d Out hosts the Nonfiction Reader Challenge. She provided 12 categories of nonfiction, and participants chose which level they want to aim for. Thankfully, this year she has included a Nonfiction Grazer category where we set our own goals for how many and what kind of nonfiction to read. That worked best for me this year.

I read a total of 33 non-fiction books this year, which can be seen on my Books Read in 2022 post.

As to my personal goals for this challenge:

Even though I didn’t hit every category I wanted to, I did more in others, and I feel I had a rich and varied nonfiction reading experience this year.

The Audiobook Challenge is hosted by Caffeinated Reader. I aimed for the Binge Listener level at 20-30. I finished 30, so I was right on target. I also marked these on my list of books read this year. I posted what I had listened to through June at the check-in here. Here are the ones I listened to through the end of the year:

The Historical Fiction Reading Challenge is hosted by The Intrepid Reader. I aimed for the Medieval level of 15 books. I completed 22.

As you can tell, Roseanna M. White and Kristy Cambron are favorites in the category.

I’ve included split-time novels here, which have both a modern and a historic timeline. I’ve never been sure whether classics count—books written before our time but were modern in the time in which they were written. If so, I’d have eleven more.

And finally:

The Literary Christmas challenge hosted by Tarissa at In the Bookcase. For this I read:

I also started Hope for Christmas by Malissa Chapin, but haven’t finished it yet. Maybe I will by the end of the year.

I didn’t get quite as many in this category as I had hoped to, but we had a very busy December.

Whew. It’s been a good year of reading.

Radio Interview Tomorrow

Tomorrow morning (Tuesday, July 12), I’m scheduled for an interview with Kurt and Kate Mornings on Moody Radio Florida at 8:10 a.m. EDT. They’re the folks who interviewed me a couple of times before. They want to discuss my post on What to Do with Regret.

The top of their program page has a “Click to Listen Live” button. I’d love to invite you to tune in if you’re able and interested.

Most of all, I’d appreciate your prayers that all would go well: that the technology would work well with no glitches, that there won’t be any health issues, that God would give me what He wants me to say and help me not to blank out, and that He would be glorified and listeners would be ministered to.

Updated to add: Here’s a link to the interview, recorded by my oldest son. There was some kind of audio problem at the beginning where they couldn’t hear me, and they had me in Nashville instead of Knoxville. 🙂 But I am thankful things started working and the interview could continue.

A Visit to Jan Karon’s Mitford Museum

I first discovered Jan Karon several years ago in the pages of Victoria magazine, which my “adopted mom” used to send me. Jan was Victoria‘s “Writer in Residence” one year. I don’t remember what she wrote in those pages, but I liked it and was inspired to look up her books.

Jan has written a whole series of novels set in Mitford, a fictitious small North Carolina town. The main character, Father Tim, is not your typical novel hero. He’s not suave, handsome, young, and muscular. He is middle-aged, balding, a little overweight, and often unsure of himself. But he and the other Mitford residents are some of the most endearing characters in literature.

I loved the stories and characters, but I was also amazed at the amount of spiritual truth woven in them. These books were not marketed as Christian fiction, yet they contained clear salvation decisions, Scripture, and scriptural applications.

I know I have read through all the Mitford books at least once, maybe twice, and I have listened to the audiobooks once. I have not reviewed them individually, but I gave a brief synopsis of each Mitford book here.

My friend, Melanie, is also a Mitford and Jan Karon fan. I think she was the one who alerted me that a Mitford Museum was being created in the school Jan attended in Hudson, NC. Their grand opening was last October, with many special events planned for the day. We would have loved to have gone then, but felt it would be too busy. Plus Covid was more active then. We decided we’d try to go this spring.

And we finally went this past week! My dear husband agreed to drive us. The museum was a little over three hours from us, but we planned to leave about 8, get there by 11:30, have lunch, and then spend the next few hours at the museum before heading back home.

It was closer to 12:30 by the time we got there, due to traffic, weather, and detours.

Melanie is on a few Mitford Facebook groups and had asked for recommendations for restaurants. We went to the Vintage Cafe and Bakery. It was so good. I loved the atmosphere of the place. They brought the best yeast rolls and sweet butter I have ever had to the table as an appetizer. We didn’t take a picture of any of the food–we were too hungry. But it was wonderful.

One interesting tidbit about the Vintage Cafe: sometimes they make the Orange Marmalade Cake that appears in almost every Mitford book. They didn’t have it when we were there. They don’t make it often because it is expensive, plus the owner had just made several servings of it for a Mitford tea the week before at the Museum.

We also had a couple of neat encounters at the cafe. Melanie knew a couple of people who worked at the museum through the Facebook groups. One of the ladies was eating there as we came in. Melanie had asked her to tell another lady that we would miss her, because we were running late, and this lady got off before we’d get to the museum. But in a little while, the second lady came to the cafe to see Melanie after she got off. I thought that was a sweet gesture.

On to the museum.

I had not realized that the museum was only one part of a larger enterprise. I did not take a picture of the front of the building, but I had seen it here. I thought that was the whole building, and that all of it was the Mitford Museum. But the building is three times the length of what’s in the picture and houses several businesses, arts-related offices, little shops, etc. It’s called the Hub Station and was formerly the Hudson School. The Mitford Museum takes up two classroom-sized rooms and a gift shop. One of the rooms was Jan’s actual classroom.

These are in the hallway leading up to the museum door.

Jan Karon's Mitford Museum

The two rooms that make up the museum are filled with memorabilia. There are notes from Jan at each display, telling what objects were or explaining some behind-the-scenes detail about them. Some items are from her childhood, like a big cast iron pot that her grandmother did laundry in. Some have to do with Jan’s life as an author. I had not known that she wrote ads for NC before writing books, but some are on the walls there–I think I have even seen them in magazines. Her descriptiveness and way with words shines through even there. One section shows the different houses she lived in and which books she wrote in which house.

One of Jan’s actual desks is in the museum, along with some of her manuscripts. I wish I had taken a picture of the whole desk–it’s massive.

Jan’s typewriter, a gift from her daughter
An edited part of a manuscript

Above the desk is framed art work from the original covers of several of the books.

I had not read Jan’s children’s books, but one, Miss Fanny’s Hat, was based on her actual. . . I can’t remember if it was her mother or grandmother. But there is a picture of the real “Miss Fanny” wearing her hat, and the hat itself in a curio cabinet.

This was in a space between the two rooms:

If you’ve read Shepherds Abiding, you know Father Tim picked up an old, broken down Nativity set that he restored for Cynthia. That story grew from an old Nativity set Cynthia bought. If I remember correctly, I think Jan had a local artist restore it and included some of her experiences in Father Tim’s. That Nativity is in the museum. It’s huge.

Another interesting story was that Cynthia married Father Tim in an aquamarine suit. Some time later, Jan saw this suit on eBay and said it looked exactly like what she had envisioned for Cynthia’s wedding suit. So Jan bought it, and now it’s in the museum.

I don’t know if you can read the print here, but this house was the basis for the Meadowgate Farm in the books, home of Father Tim’s friend and veterinarian who becomes his adopted son Dooley’s mentor.

And I took this picture for the Author game that inspired Jan (which I had never heard of but now what to find!) But at the time, I missed reading the plaque above talking about how Jan declared to herself in the mirror passed down from her mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother that she was going to be an author some day. I wish I had gotten a photo of the mirror, too!

The friendly and informative docent took this picture of Melanie and me “with” Jan.

Melanie and I with Jan

Unfortunately, we didn’t get any pictures with Jim!

The gift shop is called Happy Endings after the bookstore in the books.

Those are some of my favorite spots in the museum. Melanie shared some of hers here. There is much more to see.

We made it just a day trip since there wasn’t much else to see in Hudson (though I spied some antique shops for those interested). Blowing Rock is nearby, but we didn’t want to stay overnight this time.

Because of the distance, I don’t know that I would go to the Museum again unless there was something going on I didn’t want to miss. They had just had a Mitford Tea at the Museum the week before, with Jan in attendance, and they’re planning another next May. I’m thinking about that. There is also a play about Mitford that I’d love to see sometime with Jim, since he’s not familiar with the books, but probably not this year. It sounds like they’ve done it before, so hopefully they’ll do it again.

I’ve shared links to the museum and Jan’s web page above, but the Museum has an active Facebook page with photos of events and the latest news here. And Jan Karon shares a lot of neat things on her Facebook author page here.

Are you a Mitford fan? Have you been to the Museum? I’d love to hear about it.

(I often link up with some of these bloggers.)

Assorted Stray Thoughts

This week has been a blur for many reasons. My mindset can’t think very deeply at the moment, so I decided to share various passing thoughts, some tongue-in-cheek, most not terribly important.

I received an email advertising the ESV Panorama New Testament. My mind kept reading Panorama as Paranormal.

We don’t get HGTV, but the last couple of times I was in the hospital, we had that station on. I was amazed that any time on any show they staged a house for viewing, someone karate-chopped the sofa pillows. Who decided dented pillows were a thing?

Speaking of decorating, I just recently became aware of a new/old style called grandmillennial, explained here. It’s “halfway between minimalism and maximalism” and “nostalgic and comfortable without looking kitschy.” Sounds like my tastes! Except they advocate earthy colors, and I am partial to my pastels.

Why do people pay $20-50 for a one-hour online course but balk at paying $10-12 for a ten-hour book?

I occasionally see or hear people say something like, “If you’re going to drink decaf, why bother?” Well, some of us can’t have caffeine. In my case, I am not supposed to have it due to heart rhythm problems. But I like the flavor and warmth. I’d be more concerned about not being able to make it through the day without caffeine.

Does it bug anyone else when speakers say “I see you” to people they can’t actually see?

Why do people use Latin phrases and then put in parentheses what the phrase means? Why not just use the English words in the first place?

Are people really motivated by being yelled at? The climax movie of the movie Facing the Giants had a coach on hands and knees alongside a player, yelling, “Don’t quit, Never quit.” But if I were in that position, I would want to yell back, “Stop yelling!” Even Pelaton commercials turn me off. (I’m not an athlete. Can you tell?) I respond better to coming-alongside encouragement than having someone in my face.

I’m about done with articles that won’t let you read further without subscribing or unblocking ads. I know they need to make money, but that doesn’t seem the best way to get subscribers. I like some sites that let you read so many free articles per month.

Sometimes I see foot massages referred to as a romantic gesture, but I can’t stand the thought of someone messing with my feet.

When I am actually in a grocery store, I’ll see people filling online orders with their big carts. They’ll scan an item and put it right in the shopping bag. I’ve thought that would be nice to be able to do as an average shopper–scan and bag your items as you get them instead of moving everything to cart, to conveyor belt at the checkout, and back to the cart again. But that will probably never happen because of the expense of the handheld scanners and because of dishonest shoppers who wouldn’t scan all their items.

Do you have favorite things you do with certain leftovers? I love making a sandwich with leftover meatloaf, sometimes grilled-cheese style. I can remember my mom making little strips of leftover pie crust dough, putting a little butter and sugar and cinnamon on it, and putting it in the oven just a few minutes to cook through. So good. (Odd, though, I don’t remember her making pies from scratch–but she must have if she had pie crust dough.) If we have tacos, I like to make a quesadilla with the leftover taco meat and cheddar cheese for lunch the next day. And if I am making rice, if I have enough, I like to make a little bowl of rice with butter and sugar. That must be the base of rice pudding, though I have never had it.

Sometimes my thoughts do pinball between topics like this. Occasionally I’ll retain one long enough to write it down. 🙂

Do any of these resonate with you? Do you have stray unrelated thoughts floating around?

(I often link up with some of these bloggers.)

A Visit to the Pinta

On Saturday, our family got to visit a life-sized replica of the Pinta, one of Christopher Columbus’s ships.

Actually, the Pinta was a little larger than life-size to accommodate the height of modern people. We were told the average European then was 5’2″.

Still, our first impression was that the ship was much smaller than we would have thought. And there was no belowdecks. There was a cargo hold, but everyone would have lived and slept on deck. It was hard to fathom a crew of 26 men in that space for as long as they were at sea.

Several placards were placed around the ship with explanations of life on board, Columbus’s route, instruments he used, etc.

There were also several instruments and items like a sword (under glass), a model of the ship, etc.

A couple of volunteers were on board to provide information and answer questions.

We were amused by a couple of anachronistic inclusions. 🙂

I appreciated that nothing was mentioned about anything controversial with Columbus. Those conversations are important, but one can enjoy learning about the ship without agreeing with everything that was done. The ship was presented as a “sailing museum” and was for the purpose of sharing information about history. This type of ship, a caravel, had been in use for a couple of centuries and was a common “workhorse” type of ship, one brochure explained.

It was the first time I had ever been on a “tall ship.” All in all, it was a fun and educational outing.

You can learn more about the Nina and Pinta replicas here and follow their itinerary here.

Whatever happened to these sayings?

I don’t want to be guilty of that bane of older people: considering everything “back in my day” to be superior. No era or society has been perfect since Eden.

Many societal perspectives have improved from what I grew up with. And I love the conveniences, technology, and multiple ways to communicate that we have today. 

But in my youth, I heard certain sayings repeated enough to become truisms. I don’t hear them any more, but I think we need them more than ever.

  • I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it” (Evelyn Beatrice Hall). Freedom of speech used to be one of highest values in this country. Now, if you don’t fit within the prevailing narratives, you’re publicly shamed or “canceled.” We’ve gone from absolute truth to the postmodern lack of absolute truth to “My truth is the only truth.”
  • “It takes all kinds to make a world.” That seemed to sum up how people reconciled the fact that others could think so differently from themselves. Along with this one was:
  • “Live and let live.” Most didn’t advocate “anything goes.” There are times to speak out against wrongdoing. But we’re also not made with cookie cutters. We won’t all do and act the exact same way in everything.
  • “Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes.” This encouraged people to consider the background, personality, and perspective of others. Now, people make all sorts of judgments based on a 140-character tweet instead of trying to understand the other person’s viewpoint.
  • “We’ll have to agree to disagree.”This one went around fairly recently, but it’s been quickly forgotten. Now people can’t seem to just disagree on matters large or small without vilifying each other.
  • “Don’t believe everything you read.” A corollary to this was “Just because you see it on TV (or in the newspaper) doesn’t mean it’s true.” Now we tend to believe articles and posts that support our views and disbelieve whatever doesn’t.

Of course, these are limited. They are not Scripture. Some may have exceptions. But they are pretty good common sense, and some are based on Scriptural truth.

What do think? Is it possible to bring these back? Can you think of any others?

(Sharing with InstaEncouragements, Grace and Truth, Senior Salon)

Back at home

Thank you so much for your kind comments yesterday and your prayers while I was in the hospital. I’m back at home now and feeling well. I have follow-up appointments with my primary care doctor and cardiologist soon.

I’m probably going to have to have a second ablation. I can’t tell you how much I hate the thought of going through that again. But I also hate having afib and going to the ER. We’ve known people that were much improved after the second one. So, we’ll see what the doctors say.

Meanwhile, I’m going to mainly relax the rest of the weekend.