Friday’s Fave Five


Susanne at Living to Tell the Story hosts a “Friday Fave Five” in which we share our five favorite things from the past week. Click on the button to read more of the details, and you can visit Susanne to see the list of others’ favorites.

1. Our belated Mother’s Day celebration, with the loving gifts from my family and another great grilled meal from my husband.

2. A Wii Fit, one of the things I had wanted that my family got for me for Mother’s Day. The family had fun with it, and, though I still really need to get on track with actively trying to lose weight, it’s funny how doing a bit of exercise will make you think a little more about snacking: “Do I really want to sabotage all that work?”

3. Except for one unexpectedly busy day, it’s been a relatively quiet week. I don’t know what happened to all the things I was going to get done this week, though…

4. Nice temperatures. I like it just a little on the cool side, but not cold enough to need a sweater, and it’s been just like that much of this week.

5. Barnes and Noble’s triple chocolate chunk cookies. My older two boys like to go to B&N occasionally, and often I’ll ask them to bring me back one of these. It’s pretty big, so usually I break off a piece of it at a time over the course of a couple of days. (What was I saying about thinking more about snacking….?)

Bonus: Our church got a COLOR copier! I had a training session on it this week. The last copier had me nearly in tears the last couple of times I copied the ladies’ ministry booklet, so just a new one is wonderful. I’d been printing the covers from my home computer in order to have the color, but it will be nice to do it all there plus have color sprinkled throughout in the clip art, which I’d just been copying in black and white before. I am excited!

17 thoughts on “Friday’s Fave Five

  1. The temperatures here have been cool too. Plus we have had a ton of rain!! It has felt a bit like Seattle weather. I even had my fireplace going earlier this week—the high was only 53! How unusal for SC!!

    As far as cookies….I just eat the chips, HA!

  2. Hasn’t this been just the most beautiful Spring EVER? Often times up here, we go straight from freezing to roasting with nothing inbetween… but this year we have REALLY had a niiiiice SPRING! I’ve enjoyed it too!

    Be CAREFUL with those sprinklings of color until you check this out — on sOMe copiers (i don’t know if it’s all of them) if you use the color print option, it uses the COLOR ink cartridges EVEN to produce black! So if you just have a little something red up in one corner it will still use colored ink to produce black for the rest of the page! Mine does that. I only use the color print if the majority of the page is in color — otherwise I let the color part become black.

  3. They did forewarn me about that, Melli — even a url address (which usually prints in blue) will count as a color page. One of the guys from the copier company who was training us calculated about how many color pages I’d have each month per the no. of booklets times the price of a color page, and our business manager said that was acceptable. We may reassess after a couple of months.

  4. Oh man what is it about thinking about losing weight that makes every snack look better!! Glad you got some fun celebrating in with family. Have a great Memorial weekend Barbara!

  5. Sounds like you’ve had a good week, Barbara. May you have a blessed and restful Memorial Day weekend with your family! ((HUGS))

  6. I’m so glad you had a nice relaxing week! We’re looking into getting Wii Fit, as our gym membership will expire in November and we just can’t spend that much money anymore. I did some looking at the Wii website yesterday, and I think it’ll be fun. You’re right about the snacking too . . . a good workout makes you want to be good! 🙂

  7. Congrats on the new color copier. New copy machines always make me giddy with excitement. The first decent one our church ever got made me “fall in love” with it! Is that wierd?

    I love cool spring days, too. Here in my part of the midwest, we’re having beautiful days and cool nights. It’s awesome and I wish it could last forever!

  8. I do love the relaxing weeks, too.

    It doesn’t really matter WHEN our children and families celebrate, we’re just happy they show up! And bring presents.:)

  9. I had no idea the Wii had a product like that. How terrific is that. Glad your church got a color copier. Nice temperatures and good cookies, can’t beat that. And of course your Mother’s Day…excellent. Have a great FFF and a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend 🙂

  10. Sounds like a good week and we are all enjoying nicer weather. Those chocolate chunk cookies sound great, I will have to watch for them when I go to Barnes and Noble.

    Have a great holiday weekend!

  11. I love those cookies! Today is beautiful in MN… 74! In the beginning of the week is was 94…a bit too hot for May! Have a nice day

  12. #5 — I went into Barnes & Noble the other day and they were just baking their Triple Chocolate Chunk Cookies. The whole store smelled heavenly and you know I had to get one!

    I bought my cookie and they put it on a plate. I took it back to my table and thought, “Oh wow, I should have got a bag. This is way too big to eat.” About that time an elderly gentleman stopped at my table. He said, “That sure does smell delicious.” I saw his tiny cup of plan coffee and remembered him paying for it with change while I waited for my fancy latte. Then I picked up my cookie, broke it in half, and gave it to him. His smile was more than ample reward.

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