Laura Ingalls Wilder Reading Challenge Wrap-up for 2020

The end of February closes the Laura Ingalls Wilder Reading Challenge. I hope you had fun with it, and I look forward to hearing about what you read!

A week from today I’ll use to draw a name from the comments on this post to win either The Little House Cookbook compiled by Barbara M. Walker, Laura’s Album: A Remembrance Scrapbook of Laura Ingalls Wilder by William Anderson, The Little House Coloring Book, or a similarly-priced book related to Laura. A week should give some who are still reading time to finish up and post. You don’t have to have a blog to participate: you can tell us what you read in the comments here. If you have a blog, you can either let us know what you read in the comments or share the links back to any reviews or challenge-related posts from your blog or even from Goodreads if you review books there. Due to shipping costs, I’m afraid I can only ship to those in the US.

I only read one book this year: Old Town in the Green Groves by Cynthia Rylant about the two years Laura left out of the Little House Books.

Old Town in the Green Groves about Laura Lingalls Wilder's lost years
The book I had originally planned to read was actually about Little Women rather than Little House, so I’ll save it for Tarissa’s Louisa May Alcott Reading Challenge in June.

As I mentioned earlier this year, this will be the last Laura Ingalls Wilder Reading Challenge hosted here, for a number of reasons. Thanks so much to those who have participated at any point during the last nine years. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed delving into books by and about Laura, discussing them with you, and hearing what you’ve read.

Remember, leave a comment on this post about what you read or did for the challenge before Saturday of next week to be eligible for the drawing.

Update: The winner is Tarissa! Congratulations!

7 thoughts on “Laura Ingalls Wilder Reading Challenge Wrap-up for 2020

  1. I reread Little Town on the Prairie for this reading challenge. Since I teach two grammar classes, I read aloud the section describing Laura’s test for her teaching certificate in which she diagrammed sentences on her slate and then rapidly parsed them. My seventh and eighth grade students know how to diagram and enjoyed hearing about Laura. I was amazed that she was obtaining her teaching certificate at the tender age of fifteen!
    Thank you, Barbara, for hosting this challenge.

  2. Pingback: Laudable Linkage | Stray Thoughts

  3. Barbara,
    Thank you for hosting the Laura Ingalls Wilder reading challenge one last time! As always, it was enjoyable. Through this challenge over the years, I have ended up learning much more about this brave pioneer woman than I would have otherwise.

    So for this year’s challenge, I read “Old Town in the Green Groves”. I thought it was a good story, I thought, and pairs well with Laura’s stories… My, what hard times those Ingalls went through!

    If you ever decide to return to the challenge again, I’ll be ready for it. 🙂

  4. Pingback: Laura Ingalls Wilder Challenge Wrap-Up «

  5. It was the year to read Old Town in the Green Groves, I guess! I read it too and had thoughts that were similar to yours. The kids and I are still one CD short of finishing the audiobook version of On the Banks of Plum Creek but we thoroughly enjoyed listening to both it and Little House on the Prairie. The kids beg me to “start Laura” each time we get into the car! I wrote my wrap up post here, mostly about discovering how much we enjoy Cherry Jones’s narration and how useful it has been to us in our current season.

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