February Reflections

February seems to have flown by—and not just because it’s a shorter month. It’s been a busy month, but a good one.

Valentine’s Day is always a fun for us with some special treats. We celebrated our daughter-in-law’s birthday last weekend. We closed on the rental house that my son and daughter-in-law had been renting. My husband is so relieved not to have an extra property to take care of. My youngest son found an apartment and will be moving next month. I’m excited for him but also facing the reality of an empty nest.

February is also the time of year when winter starts getting to me: the sky is often grey, the cold seeps into my bones, and I long for spring. Thankfully we’ve had some sunshine and temperatures in the 60s this week. We still have several weeks of winter, but each day brings us closer to spring! My daffodils are blooming already!


February is a big card month for us!

Early in the month we celebrated my youngest son’s 10,000th day of life. This was the card I made for him:

It took me a while to figure out what to do—I haven’t seen any other 10,000th day cards to get ideas from. 🙂 I printed off a February calendar and had a stencil with the shape for the saying.

Then I made a card for each family member for Valentine’s Day. I had seen several variations of this idea on Pinterest and knew I just had to use it since my husband is a scientist.

I cut out the beakers using Cricut. I tried various background papers, but they made the card look too cluttered.

This was for my oldest son, Jeremy, who likes foxes:

I used a stencil for the heart. I printed off the sayings or captions and inside sentiments from the computer since my handwriting is not good. I cut out this one with decorative scissors and then outlined it in black. I had the hardest time finding the right fox. I have several stickers and looked up clip art, but none of them looked just right. I had some wooden cutouts, but I wasn’t sure if the glue would be strong enough to keep it on, especially as this one had to go through snail mail. Finally I got the idea to scan the fox cutout and print it, and that worked pretty well.

This was for Jason:

The bear was from a scrapbooking paper collection.

This was for my daughter-in-law, Mittu, who likes purple:

I printed out the tree from some free clipart I found online, then used a paper punch on various scrapbooking papers for the hearts.

This was for Timothy, my grandson:

I had seen an idea using the moon on Pinterest, and then saw this moon and stars design on the Cricut.

And this was for my youngest son, Jesse:

I had seen several variations of this idea on Pinterest using typewriters. But since he types via computer, I used that. I cut the computer out with the Cricut and positioned the caption behind the computer “screen.”

And finally, my daughter-in-law also likes sunflowers, so I was looking to use them somehow for her birthday card. In looking for something else on the computer, I stumbled across a file that I had purchased on sale some years ago from Karla Dornacher using sunflowers. Since Mittu also has blue in her home, this seemed perfect. So it wasn’t exactly handmade, except that I printed it off and cut it out. But I liked it, and I think Mittu did, too.

I just checked Karla’s site, and she doesn’t seem to carry this exact collection any more. But she did use the sunflower design in this printable card set.

I made one more birthday card for a friend. But when I double-checked to make sure I had the right date, I discovered her birthday was in June! I thought I saw somewhere recently that it was in February. Oh well—the card is now safely tucked away until June.


I’m still working my way through the Lark Rise to Candleford series while using my exercise bike. Jim and I really enjoyed the new PBS series of All Creatures Great and Small. I was sorry to hear the story had been changed from the original—but we did like this version.


Since last time I completed:

I usually read much more fiction than nonfiction, but that hasn’t held true this month.

I’m currently reading:


Besides books reviews and almost weekly Friday Fave Fives and Laudable Linkages, I’ve shared on the blog this month:

As we turn the calendar page to March in a few days, we’ll have a busy couple of weeks with my husband’s birthday and my youngest son moving. But life should settle down a bit after that. I hope. You just never know.

How was your February? Any signs of spring yet?

(Sharing with Grace and Truth, Faith on Fire,Hearth and Soul,
Senior Salon, InstaEncouragements, Shannan’s What I’m Into)

20 thoughts on “February Reflections

    • I actually did that–in the set I have, there’s one depiction of just the square with the verse and sunflowers. So I printed it out to fit a 5×5 mat. My d-i-l has blue in her decorating, so it blended nicely.

  1. Love all the cards! I used to make handmade cards (scrapbook and stamping) and have been feeling a pull to return to that a bit myself! So fun!

  2. Loved all these great creations! So creative!! And thanks so much for the “All Creatures” link. I’ve watched an older series of this, but didn’t know a new one was out. I shall greatly enjoy that!!

      • Sadly, I was only able to watch the trailer. The series is not available for viewing here in Italy. I can’t help wondering, why tease us with a trailer when we can’t have the goods? Oh well, even though it would have been fun, I can still rewatch the old series!

  3. I love your cards too, Barbara. Especially the purple tree and the one that says, “You’re just my type.” 🙂 Your reading lists reminded me that my mom used to listen to Warren Wiersbe on the radio in the kitchen when I was growing up … such good memories. And we don’t have blooms yet, but after the recent snow melted, I saw the first daffodil shoots coming up in my backyard. Spring is on the way!

    • Thank you, Lois. I’ve only heard Wiersbe once or twice. I collected a lot of his books for a dollar or two on Kindle sales and finally made a point of using them last year. I like that he is relatable yet faithful to the text.

  4. Barbara, I love the cards you made. They are so unique which is what makes them special for each person! I also enjoy and am blessed by Warren Wiersbe. His study Bible has such wonderful commentary. Here’s to hoping to a blessed March!

  5. Pingback: Don't let #153 Senior Salon Get Away! • Esme Salon

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