Laudable Linkage

Laudable Linkage

I have a short but good list of links to share from this week’s reading.

Between Faith and Doubt: Five Questions for Our Skepticism, HT to Challies. “I sympathize with doubters who may feel drawn to Christianity but find plenty of objections to keep them at arm’s distance. If you’re drawn to the message of Jesus but can’t seem to get past your doubts, perhaps it would be helpful if I share how I worked through some of my doubts.”

The Sanction of Sin, HT to Challies. “Does a wolf in sheep’s clothing know what he’s doing? Of course. That’s what makes it so terrifying when you catch the glint of teeth inside the fleecy face. He came to eat sheep. But he knows if he comes leaping and snarling, his targets will scatter. He has to look nonthreatening. He has to look like one of them. He has to earn their trust.”

Lessons From a Job Season, HT to Challies. “In my own recent Job season, I yearned for answers that did not always come and prayed for relief that often seemed long delayed. But there were also plenty of ways in which I saw God’s hand clearly at work, and I want to share just a few of them.”

Is the Trend Reversing? “Where I live, in Scotland, for at least the last 75 years, Christianity has been in decline. (I wrote more about it here.) . . . It’s hard to imagine and sad to see how far we have come. However, over the last six months or so, I’ve had a growing sense that maybe things are changing, maybe the trend is starting to reverse. I’ve seen too many things and heard too many stories recently to reach any conclusion other than: God is doing something in Scotland!”

While it looks like things are out of control, behind the scenes there is a God who has not surrendered authority. A. W. Tozer

While it looks like things are out of control,
behind the scenes there is a God who has not surrendered authority.
A. W. Tozer